

java Programming Glossary: thumbnails

add thumnails to spring layout like a grid?


a grid I have a list of images I need to add as small thumbnails to a frame. I currently have frame with springlayout how can.. I currently have frame with springlayout how can add thumbnails in some grid like fashion with a scrollpane. The list of photos.. how to handle this with springlayout.. I know how to add thumbnails the real question how can I show the grid of thumbnails in spring..

Open source Java library to produce webpage thumbnails server-side


source Java library to produce webpage thumbnails server side I am searching for an open source Java library.. I am searching for an open source Java library to generate thumbnails for a given URL. I need to bundle this capability rather than.. something like html2ps . Any suggestions java open source thumbnails share improve this question The first thing that comes to..

Create thumbnail image for PDF in Java


hoping to keep my project all Java if possible. java pdf thumbnails image generation share improve this question PDF Renderer..

JAVA scale Image best practice


improve this question You can use ImageMagick to create thumbnails . convert define jpeg size 500x180 hatching_orig.jpg auto orient..

Thumbnail of a PDF page (Java) [closed]


image of pages in a PDF document using Java java pdf thumbnails share improve this question I think http pdfbox.apache.org..

Is there something wrong with Swing's MVC implementation for JList?


problem again. I am using a JList to implement a list of thumbnails for the pages of a document. If the user selects another thumbnail..

PDF to image using Java [duplicate]


embedded fonts and so will only be good for creating thumbnails what you eventually want . My favorite external tool is Ghostscript..

Loading large images as thumbnails without memory issues in Java?


large images as thumbnails without memory issues in Java I'm trying to let the user load.. and present these visually in the GUI as a list of thumbnails JPanels with icons added to a JList . I'm currently using ImageIO.read.. Image.SCALE_FAST java memory management image processing thumbnails share improve this question The problem is in the use of..