

java Programming Glossary: timeouts

Tracking down a memory leak / garbage-collection issue in Java.


because the original STW collector was causing JDBC timeouts and became increasingly slow. The logs show that as the memory..

What is the best Java library to use for HTTP POST, GET etc.?


headers sent by the server. The ability to set connection timeouts. HttpMethods implement the Command Pattern to allow for parallel..

With Apache HttpClient, why isn't my connection timeout working?


exception are you getting thrown Don't forget you have two timeouts to change check. From HttpConnectionParams setConnectionTimeout..

java socket / output stream writes : do they block?


... and not write calls. Apparently you can get write timeouts if you use NIO non blocking mode and a Selector but this is..

Java+Tomcat, Dying database connection?


increasing the server configured values for client timeouts or using the Connector J connection property 'autoReconnect..

Connection timeout for DriverManager getConnection


and potential application crashes caused by the leaks and timeouts. True connecting the DB is an expensive task. If your application..

Hibernate: set default query timeout?


queries on my database with Hibernate and I sometimes hit timeouts. I would like to avoid setting the timeout manually on every..

How do I set the timeout for a JAX-WS webservice client?


your local disk is probably better Next if you want to set timeouts for specific services once you've created your proxy you need..

how to resume an interrupted download - part 2


up to seven minutes . So I don't know the reason for the timeouts and I'm just trying to work around them. I tried the suggestion..

Whats the best way to update a single record via SQL and obtain the id of the record that was updated? (Java/MSSQL)


but I'm concerned about performance as testing shows lock timeouts under load and I was wondering if there was a better simpler..

Preferred Java way to ping a HTTP Url for availability


in flavor of an utility method also taking account with timeouts Pings a HTTP URL. This effectively sends a HEAD request and..

How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java


share improve this question In my example two timeouts are set. The connection timeout throws java.net.SocketTimeoutException..

Why would a “java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out” exception occur when URL is up?


share improve this question Connection timeouts assuming a local network and several client machines typically..

What are the security risks I should guard against when running user-supplied Java code?


user supplied Java code on a server I'm already using timeouts of 10 seconds running code in a separate process with limited.. some things I would want to guard against. Infinite loops timeouts help Dodgy I O operations trying to read write from to directories..