

java Programming Glossary: tia

Android update 17 seems incompatible with external Jars


all of this worked perfectly prior to the update . TIA java android osx share improve this question If you have..

JTable Calls Custom Cell Renderer Method… Continuously


I'm just viewing the screen not touching mouse or keyboard TIA java performance swing jtable java web start share improve..

Is Java Regex Thread Safe?


function if it uses regex Is regex in java thread safe TIA java regex multithreading share improve this question From..

How to specify Http Request timeout parameter on Java servlet container


own Just to be clear I'm not talking about session timeout TIA Ittai java servlets timeout httprequest containers share..

java Calendar, Date, and Time management for a multi-timezone application


local time. All thoughts and comments are appreciated. TIA java date calendar timezone share improve this question ..

How do I use Google's Gson API to deserialize JSON properly?


know that this has been done before. So what am I missing TIA java json api gson serialization share improve this question..

How to use TYPE_BYTE_GRAY to efficiently create a grayscale bufferedimage using AWT


row iArray g.drawImage image 0 0 getWidth getHeight null TIA Nate java awt bufferedimage share improve this question ..

How can a socket be both connected and closed?


closed true bound true How can it be connected and closed TIA java sockets share improve this question This thread has..

Classpath does not work under linux


this lib Jars game Class files This is the latest Java 6 TIA java linux classpath share improve this question The classpath..

java.util.logging.Logger doesn't respect java.util.logging.Level?


fine just doesn't seem to work. What's could be wrong TIA. java logging share improve this question Even though the..

How to prevent parameter binding from interpreting commas in Spring 3.0.5?


this behavior via escaping or some other mechanism. TIA UPDATE I posted this Q on Twitter and got a reply saying the..

maven project: SWT 3.5 dependency: any official public repo?


Any groupId artifactId suggestions conventions you know of TIA PS I am mostly a noob as to Eclipse products site layout and..

Trouble playing wav in Java


Plz share your ideas on why might this happen. TIA. java wav playback javasound share improve this question..

Java - how do I prevent WindowClosing from actually closing the window


me. Is there some other way of handling the x on the frame TIA java swing jframe closing windowlistener share improve this..

Explicitly assigning values to a 2D Array?


i int k contents 1 1 int i int k contents 2 2 int i int k TIA feel free to point me in the direction of a better data struct..