java Programming Glossary: tf
Validate an XML file against local DTD file with Java transformer to insert a DTD declaration TransformerFactory tf TransformerFactory .newInstance Transformer transformer tf.newTransformer.. tf TransformerFactory .newInstance Transformer transformer tf.newTransformer transformer.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM..
java: shortest way to pretty print to stdout a org.w3c.dom.Document throws IOException TransformerException TransformerFactory tf TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer transformer tf.newTransformer.. tf TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer transformer tf.newTransformer transformer.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) boolean setCustomFont Context ctx String asset Typeface tf null try tf Typeface.createFromAsset ctx.getAssets asset catch.. Context ctx String asset Typeface tf null try tf Typeface.createFromAsset ctx.getAssets asset catch Exception.. not get typeface e.getMessage return false setTypeface tf return true attrs.xml in res values xml version 1.0 encoding..
NoClassDefFoundError while trying to run my jar with java.exe -jar…what's wrong? logging 1.1.jar file C dev myapp src common datagen jar tf C myapp libs commons logging 1.1.jar META INF META INF MANIFEST.MF..
Crash when loading font bytes in 20922ms Hmm... okay. I'm using the font Molot.otf which was successfully used in one of the blogs. I'm also using.. used in one of the blogs. I'm also using predator.ttf another custom font but in TrueType format Relevant code public.. onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle Typeface tf Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets fonts Molot.otf TextView..
Variable Layout in Swing big they will be A user for instance enters how many textfields they want and which of those textfields are grouped in.. enters how many textfields they want and which of those textfields are grouped in bordered panels and the program generates.. have the same size but when I for example have a textfield and a bordered panel with multiple fields either the textfield..
Socket using in a swing applet private final JFrame f new JFrame private final JTextField tf new JTextField 25 private final JTextArea ta new JTextArea 15.. f.getRootPane .setDefaultButton send f.add tf BorderLayout.NORTH f.add new JScrollPane ta BorderLayout.CENTER.. public void actionPerformed ActionEvent ae String s tf.getText if out null out.println s display s tf.setText @Override..
Split 1GB Xml file using Java Advance to statements element TransformerFactory tf TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer t tf.newTransformer.. tf TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer t tf.newTransformer while xsr.nextTag XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT..
Java Swing; Two classes, where to put if statements and new actionlisteners? final Timer t new Timer 1000 cl private final JTextField tf new JTextField 3 public ClockExample t.setInitialDelay 0 JPanel.. ClockExample t.setInitialDelay 0 JPanel panel new JPanel tf.setHorizontalAlignment JTextField.RIGHT tf.setEditable false.. new JPanel tf.setHorizontalAlignment JTextField.RIGHT tf.setEditable false panel.add tf final JToggleButton b new JToggleButton..
Order of XML attributes after DOM processing StreamResult new File resultFileName TransformerFactory tf TransformerFactory.newInstance Source xsltSource new StreamSource.. Source xsltSource new StreamSource new File COOKER_XSL xsl tf.newTransformer xsltSource xsl.setParameter srcDocumentName input.getName..
advanced formatted text field input manipulation? GridLayout 0 1 for int i 0 i MAX i JFormattedTextField tf init fields.add tf this.add tf sum.setHorizontalAlignment.. int i 0 i MAX i JFormattedTextField tf init fields.add tf this.add tf sum.setHorizontalAlignment JFormattedTextField.RIGHT.. MAX i JFormattedTextField tf init fields.add tf this.add tf sum.setHorizontalAlignment JFormattedTextField.RIGHT sum.setEditable..