

java Programming Glossary: textelement

formatting a string to a currency format in jasper report


RelativeToTallestObject x 1350 y 0 width 150 height 30 textElement textFieldExpression class java.math.BigDecimal CDATA F myString.. textField reportElement x 137 y 18 width 291 height 20 textElement textFieldExpression CDATA new java.text.DecimalFormat # ##0.00.. textField reportElement x 137 y 48 width 291 height 20 textElement textFieldExpression CDATA new java.text.DecimalFormat # ##0.00..

JRBeanCollectionDataSource: How to show data from the java.util.List from JavaBean? [duplicate]


staticText reportElement x 138 y 28 width 258 height 20 textElement textAlignment Center verticalAlignment Middle font isBold true.. verticalAlignment Middle font isBold true isItalic true textElement text CDATA Bean with List sample text staticText band title.. 1.0 bottomPen lineWidth 1.0 rightPen lineWidth 1.0 box textElement textAlignment Center verticalAlignment Middle font isBold true..

Dynamic column cell width


style Report Sub Title x 0 y 84 width 802 height 20 textElement textFieldExpression class java.lang.String CDATA For the period..

Change text field data color (Foreground color) based on condition in JasperReports


style ZFieldStyle x 200 y 0 width 100 height 20 textElement textFieldExpression CDATA F Z textFieldExpression textField..