

java Programming Glossary: textbubbleborder

Border with rounded corners & transparency


transparency The following screenshot shows a test of TextBubbleBorder 1 . I would like to make the corners of the component that are.. 10 gui.setBackground Color.RED AbstractBorder brdr new TextBubbleBorder Color.BLACK 2 16 0 JLabel l1 new JLabel Label 1 l1.setBorder.. initial.html SwingUtilities.invokeLater r class TextBubbleBorder extends AbstractBorder private Color color private int thickness..

Internal padding for JTextArea with background Image


import javax.swing.border.AbstractBorder class TextBubbleBorder extends AbstractBorder private Color color private int thickness.. strokePad private int pointerPad 4 RenderingHints hints TextBubbleBorder Color color new TextBubbleBorder color 4 8 7 TextBubbleBorder.. 4 RenderingHints hints TextBubbleBorder Color color new TextBubbleBorder color 4 8 7 TextBubbleBorder Color color int thickness int radii..