java Programming Glossary: textviewresourceid
Extending ArrayAdapter in android mLock new Object public CustomAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId T objects super context textViewResourceId objects mObjects.. context int textViewResourceId T objects super context textViewResourceId objects mObjects Arrays.asList objects TODO Auto generated constructor..
Android custom ListView unable to click on items items public UpdateListAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId List UpdateItem items super context textViewResourceId items.. textViewResourceId List UpdateItem items super context textViewResourceId items this.items items @Override public View getView int position..
Android ListView headers seperator public TwoTextArrayAdapter Activity context int textViewResourceId ArrayList TwoText classes super context textViewResourceId classes.. textViewResourceId ArrayList TwoText classes super context textViewResourceId classes this.con context this.classes classes @Override public..
customised listview using arrayadapter class in android dataObject public DistanceArrayAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId ArrayList Constant dataObject super context textViewResourceId.. ArrayList Constant dataObject super context textViewResourceId dataObject this.context context @Override public View getView..
What is the best way to debug the android code in Eclipse? Integer public StableArrayAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId List String objects super context textViewResourceId objects.. int textViewResourceId List String objects super context textViewResourceId objects for int i 0 i objects.size i mIdMap.put objects.get..
Dynamic ListView in Android app public CustomAdapter Context context int resource int textViewResourceId List RowData objects super context resource textViewResourceId.. List RowData objects super context resource textViewResourceId objects @Override public View getView int position View convertView..
How can I make my ArrayAdapter follow the ViewHolder pattern? for not selected public QuoteAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId ArrayList Quote items super context textViewResourceId items.. int textViewResourceId ArrayList Quote items super context textViewResourceId items this.items items public void setSelectedPosition int pos..
Android: Multiple simultaneous count-down timers in a ListView Event items public EventAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId ArrayList Event items super context textViewResourceId items.. int textViewResourceId ArrayList Event items super context textViewResourceId items this.items items @Override public View getView int position..