java Programming Glossary: text.substring
Create a autocompleting textbox in Java with a dropdown list currentIndexOfSpace tmp wordBeingTyped text.substring text.lastIndexOf else wordBeingTyped text return wordBeingTyped.trim.. typedWord autoSuggestor.getCurrentlyTypedWord String t text.substring 0 text.lastIndexOf typedWord String tmp t text.substring text.lastIndexOf.. t text.substring 0 text.lastIndexOf typedWord String tmp t text.substring text.lastIndexOf typedWord .replace typedWord suggestedWord..
how would be implements autosugesion in JTextArea swing currentIndexOfSpace tmp wordBeingTyped text.substring text.lastIndexOf else wordBeingTyped text return wordBeingTyped.trim.. typedWord autoSuggestor.getCurrentlyTypedWord String t text.substring 0 text.lastIndexOf typedWord String tmp t text.substring text.lastIndexOf.. t text.substring 0 text.lastIndexOf typedWord String tmp t text.substring text.lastIndexOf typedWord .replace typedWord suggestedWord..
Is there a way to split strings with String.split() and include the delimiters? m this.pattern.matcher text while m.find splitted.add text.substring last_match m.start if this.keep_delimiters splitted.add splitted.add last_match m.end splitted.add text.substring last_match return splitted.toArray new String splitted.size..
Use Java and RegEx to convert casing in a string sb new StringBuilder int last 0 while m.find sb.append text.substring last m.start sb.append 0 .toUpperCase last m.end sb.append.. sb.append 0 .toUpperCase last m.end sb.append text.substring last System.out.println sb.toString prints no WAY oh my GOD..
Ideal method to truncate a string with ellipsis ^iIl .length 2.0d if text.length length return text.substring 0 length 3 ... return text Language doesn't really matter but.. ' ' max 3 Just one long word. Chop it off. if end 1 return text.substring 0 max 3 ... Step forward as long as textWidth allows. int newEnd.. spaces. if newEnd 1 newEnd text.length while textWidth text.substring 0 newEnd ... max return text.substring 0 end ... A test of the..
Putting char into a java string for each N characters builder.append prefix prefix insert builder.append text.substring index Math.min index period text.length index period return..
Highlights subString in the TableCell(s) which is using for JTable filetering get the start of the highlighted region. String strToStart text.substring 0 start highlightx textR.x fm.stringWidth strToStart xOffset.. the width of the highlighted region String highlightText text.substring start end highlightWidth fm.stringWidth highlightText highlightAreas.add..
How to replace a set of tokens in a Java String? replacements.get 1 builder.append text.substring i matcher.start if replacement null builder.append builder.append replacement i matcher.end builder.append text.substring i text.length return builder.toString share improve this answer..