java Programming Glossary: targetentity
Hibernate Criteria returns children multiple times with FetchType.EAGER it with a one to many Hibernate mapping like so @OneToMany targetEntity OrderTransaction.class cascade CascadeType.ALL public List OrderTransaction.. 's appear multiple times in the resulting list @OneToMany targetEntity OrderTransaction.class fetch FetchType.EAGER cascade CascadeType.ALL..
How to use Hibernate @Any-related annotations? idType long metaType string metaValues @MetaValue targetEntity Book.class value B @MetaValue targetEntity VHS.class value.. @MetaValue targetEntity Book.class value B @MetaValue targetEntity VHS.class value V @MetaValue targetEntity DVD.class value D.. B @MetaValue targetEntity VHS.class value V @MetaValue targetEntity DVD.class value D @JoinColumn name ITEM_ID private Object item..
Persist collection of interface using Hibernate class blubb.Zoo.animals blubb.Animal I know about the targetEntity property of @OneToMany but that would mean only Dogs OR Cats.. class Zoo @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id @OneToMany targetEntity AbstractAnimal.class private Set Animal animals new HashSet..
Need an example of a primary-key @OneToOne mapping in Hibernate @OneToOne cascade fetch FetchType.EAGER optional false targetEntity PaperCheque.class private PaperCheque paperCheque Whenever Hibernate..
How to annotate MYSQL autoincrement field with JPA annotations private Integer active @ManyToMany fetch FetchType.EAGER targetEntity AuthorityRole.class cascade CascadeType.PERSIST CascadeType.MERGE.. @ManyToMany cascade CascadeType.PERSIST CascadeType.MERGE targetEntity Operator.class mappedBy authorityRoles private List Operator..
How can I use generated value within composite keys? documentLog @OneToMany mappedBy documentVersion targetEntity DocumentLog.class cascade CascadeType.PERSIST CascadeType.MERGE..
Using hibernate with generics T can actually be. I know you can specify things such as targetEntity String.class above t in an annotation but then you lose the..