java Programming Glossary: tail
Does the JVM prevent tail call optimizations? the JVM prevent tail call optimizations I saw this quote on the question What is.. to build a web service Scala in particular doesn't support tail call elimination except in self recursive functions which limits.. that creates this fundamental limitation java jvm scala tail recursion share improve this question This post Recursion..
Regex Named Groups in Java out in the comment that the support is limited. He details the limitations in his great answer Java Regex Helper Java7.. tchrist as it looks only for ASCII identifiers. tchrist details the limitation as only being able to have one named group per.. group. Sometimes a double return system is used where the tail is returned in root. private Node group0 boolean capturingGroup..
Java IO implementation of unix/linux “tail -f” IO implementation of unix linux &ldquo tail f&rdquo I'm wondering what techniques and or library to use.. to use to implement the functionality of the linux command tail f . I'm essentially looking for a drop in add on replacement.. as the lines that are added. java file file io iostream tail share improve this question The ability to continue to read..
How would you code an efficient Circular Buffer in Java or C# be an array holding the items and over time the head and tail of the buffer will rotate around that fixed array. But that.. this question I would use an array of T a head and tail pointer and add and get methods. Like Bug hunting is left to.. public class CircularBuffer T private T buffer private int tail private int head @SuppressWarnings unchecked public CircularBuffer..