java Programming Glossary: tai
GPS Time Representation library at a constant offset with International Atomic Time TAI TAI GPS 19 seconds . Periodic corrections are performed on the.. at a constant offset with International Atomic Time TAI TAI GPS 19 seconds . Periodic corrections are performed on the on.. years . GPS week zero started at 00 00 00 UTC 00 00 19 TAI on January 6 1980 and the week number became zero again for..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 m w3c p3p.xml CP CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi.. m w3c p3p.xml CP CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi.. m w3c p3p.xml CP CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi..