

java Programming Glossary: table.gettableheader

could not set the column width to zero i.e. not made column invisible


tableColumn table.getColumnModel .getColumn column table.getTableHeader .setResizingColumn tableColumn tableColumn.setWidth width tableColumn.setMaxWidth..

How to implement auto complete functionality in a cell in JTable?


model.longValues TableCellRenderer headerRenderer table.getTableHeader .getDefaultRenderer for int i 0 i 5 i column table.getColumnModel..

How to keep a single column from being reordered in a JTable?


be re ordered. I used the following to enable reordering table.getTableHeader .setReorderingAllowed true The columns can now be reordered..

Jtable doesn't refresh/update data


next panel.add buttonPanel BorderLayout.SOUTH panel.add table.getTableHeader BorderLayout.PAGE_START panel.add scrollPane BorderLayout.CENTER.. next panel.add buttonPanel BorderLayout.SOUTH panel.add table.getTableHeader BorderLayout.PAGE_START panel.add scrollPane BorderLayout.CENTER..

TableCellRenderer and how to refresh Cell background without using JTable.repaint()


else setBackground null table.repaint return this table.getTableHeader .setReorderingAllowed false table.setAutoCreateRowSorter true.. Color.RED else c.setBackground null return this table.getTableHeader .setReorderingAllowed false table.setAutoCreateRowSorter true.. Color.RED else c.setBackground null return this table.getTableHeader .setReorderingAllowed false table.setAutoCreateRowSorter true..

Exception in thread “AWT-EventQueue-0” java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.swing.JTable


int row int column if table null JTableHeader header table.getTableHeader table.addMouseListener rendererComponent if header null rendererComponent.setForeground..

Why does the JTable header not appear in the image?


with an appropriate import .. p.paint g JTableHeader h table.getTableHeader h.paint g ..produces.. I'll keep tweaking it. Update 2 kleopatra.. scroll new JScrollPane table scroll.setColumnHeaderView table.getTableHeader table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize table.getPreferredSize.. scroll new JScrollPane table scroll.setColumnHeaderView table.getTableHeader table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize table.getPreferredSize..

JTable Right Align Header


Typical usage JTable table new JTable JTableHeader header table.getTableHeader Header.setDefaultRenderer new HeaderRenderer table Custom header.. JTable table renderer DefaultTableCellRenderer table.getTableHeader .getDefaultRenderer renderer.setHorizontalAlignment JLabel.CENTER..

Trying to create JTable with proper row header


false final JTableHeader header table.getTableHeader header.setDefaultRenderer new HeaderRenderer table table.setModel.. renderer public HeaderRenderer JTable table renderer table.getTableHeader .getDefaultRenderer @Override public Component getTableCellRendererComponent..

JTable with titled rows and columns


.isSelectedIndex row Component component table.getTableHeader .getDefaultRenderer .getTableCellRendererComponent table value..

Put JTable in the JTree


BoxLayout this BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS table new JTable add table.getTableHeader add table you'll probably need to tweak the visuals a bit the..

How to use Renderer for TableHeader


table new JTable model public SelectedTableHeader header table.getTableHeader header.addMouseListener new MouseAdapter @Override public void.. o h.requestFocusInWindow final TableCellRenderer hr table.getTableHeader .getDefaultRenderer header.setDefaultRenderer new TableCellRenderer..