java Programming Glossary: table.getrowheight
Making a JButton clickable inside a JTable .getColumnIndexAtX e.getX int row e.getY table.getRowHeight System.out.println Col column row row if row table.getRowCount..
JTable model listener detects inserted rows too soon (before they are drawn) return new Dimension 200 table.getRowHeight N scrollPane new JScrollPane scrollPane.setViewportView table..
JTable center alignment not working else column.setPreferredWidth 300 table.setRowHeight table.getRowHeight 70 table.setModel model scroll.add table this.add scroll this.setTitle.. this JTable table new JTable model table.setRowHeight table.getRowHeight 50 table.getColumnModel .getColumn 1 .setCellRenderer r this.setDefaultCloseOperation..
Auto adjust the height of rows in a JTable for int row 0 row table.getRowCount row int rowHeight table.getRowHeight for int column 0 column table.getColumnCount column Component..
JTable row limitation scrollPane.setPreferredSize new Dimension d.width table.getRowHeight rows JPanel navigation new JPanel new FlowLayout FlowLayout.CENTER.. public void actionPerformed ActionEvent ae int height table.getRowHeight rows 1 JScrollBar bar scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar bar.setValue.. public void actionPerformed ActionEvent ae int height table.getRowHeight rows 1 JScrollBar bar scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar bar.setValue..