java Programming Glossary: tablecolumn
could not set the column width to zero i.e. not made column invisible void restoreColumnWithWidth int column int width try TableColumn tableColumn table.getColumnModel .getColumn column table.getTableHeader.. share improve this question not never to remove TableColumn from TableModel this is wrong suggestion instead of to use built.. instead of to use built in method JTable#removeColumn TableColumn aColumn notice this method remove column only from View in the..
Adding jRadioButton into jTable import javax.swing.table.TableColumn public class TestTable public class RadioButtonCellEditorRenderer.. new JTable new MyTableModel manager table.setRowHeight 20 TableColumn column table.getColumnModel .getColumn 1 column.setCellEditor..
JTable Calls Custom Cell Renderer Method… Continuously long serialVersionUID 1L @Override public void doLayout TableColumn col getColumnModel .getColumn 0 for int row 0 row getRowCount..
Putting JComboBox into JTable for the individual column. Not the solution I need. TableColumn col table.getColumnModel .getColumn vColIndex col.setCellEditor..
Adding multiple JProgressBar to TableColumn of JTable multiple JProgressBar to TableColumn of JTable I have added multiple JProgressBar to TableColumn.. of JTable I have added multiple JProgressBar to TableColumn of JTable . I am updating all the JProgressBar with data after.. getting added to the table column. tc object of TableColumn progressObj1 new ProgressBarRenderer Progress1 progressObj1.setValue..
JTable how prepareEditor works hightlighter too but if I select JCheckBox in TableColumn then I can't shows only Rule Mail TableColumn only to shows.. in TableColumn then I can't shows only Rule Mail TableColumn only to shows all Components in the TableRow how can I archieve..
JTable row hightlighter based on value from TableCell to hightlighting TableRows based on value from specifics TableColumn for example last column with name DealId . I tried to check..
How do I get the CellRow when there is an ItemEvent in the JComboBox within the cell import javax.swing.table.TableColumn public class Example extends JFrame private static final long.. column Object values JComboBox combo new JComboBox values TableColumn col table.getColumnModel .getColumn column col.setCellRenderer.. import javax.swing.table.TableColumn @see http questions 7350445 public class DependentColumn..
Passing current Date i rOrH.add String.valueOf i 1 tbl new JTable rowD rOrH TableColumnModel tcm tbl.getColumnModel for int i 0 i tcm.getColumnCount.. i RowColorRenderer rowRenderer new RowColorRenderer i TableColumn column tbl.getColumnModel .getColumn i column.setCellRenderer..
could not set the column width to zero i.e. not made column invisible int column int width try TableColumn tableColumn table.getColumnModel .getColumn column table.getTableHeader.. .getColumn column table.getTableHeader .setResizingColumn tableColumn tableColumn.setWidth width tableColumn.setMaxWidth width tableColumn.setMinWidth.. column table.getTableHeader .setResizingColumn tableColumn tableColumn.setWidth width tableColumn.setMaxWidth width tableColumn.setMinWidth..
Drawing JTable rows and columns on a Panel public void adjustColumn final int column TableColumn tableColumn table.getColumnModel .getColumn column if tableColumn.getResizable.. tableColumn table.getColumnModel .getColumn column if tableColumn.getResizable return int columnHeaderWidth getColumnHeaderWidth.. private int getColumnHeaderWidth int column TableColumn tableColumn table.getColumnModel .getColumn column Object value tableColumn.getHeaderValue..
Updating TableView row appearance TableCell @Override public TableCell call TableColumn tableColumn return new TableCell ItemBean Object @Override public void..
RowFilter.NumberFilter: can't handle “mixed” concrete number types of the same class. That's not always possible think f.i. a tableColumn with columnClass Number So I'm wondering if how to improve on..