java Programming Glossary: tabbedpane
Adding ChartPanel to JTabbedPane using JPanel ChartPanel to JTabbedPane using JPanel I want to add JFreeChart to JPanel and then add.. I want to add JFreeChart to JPanel and then add JPanel to JTabbedPane . I managed to display JFreeChart on JFrame but I want to add.. on JFrame but I want to add JFreeChart as a 4th tab of JTabbedPane . Code to display Chart public class Chart extends javax.swing.JPanel..
Override Swing Nimbus L&F primary color per component instance the śnimbusBase color for specific instance of JButton JTabbedPane with no luck. only the specific attributes of the component.. set them via UIDefaults Example GUI with an nimbusOrange JTabbedPane and a normal one. public class Example static public void main.. 600 frame.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE JTabbedPane pane new JTabbedPane pane.addTab Lorem new JLabel Lorem pane.addTab..
How can I change the shape of a JTabbedPane tab? can I change the shape of a JTabbedPane tab I am trying to change the shape of the tabs in a JTabbedPane.. tab I am trying to change the shape of the tabs in a JTabbedPane . Using setTabComponentAt 0 someComponent doesn't change the.. import javax.swing.JPanel import javax.swing.JTabbedPane import javax.swing.JTextArea public class TabbedPane extends..
Java method works on windows but not Macintosh? import javax.swing.JPanel import javax.swing.JTabbedPane import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI @see http.. .setNorthPane null internalFrame.add createTabbedPane internalFrame.pack internalFrame.setVisible true take up some.. internalFrame.setVisible true take up some space private JTabbedPane createTabbedPane JTabbedPane jtp new JTabbedPane createTab jtp..
JTabbedPane: show task progress in a tab void run JFrame frame new JFrame RotatingIcon JTabbedPane tabbedPane new JTabbedPane tabbedPane.addTab Searching new RotatingIcon.. JFrame RotatingIcon JTabbedPane tabbedPane new JTabbedPane tabbedPane.addTab Searching new RotatingIcon new ImageIcon resources images.. new ImageIcon resources images progress indeterminate.png tabbedPane new JLabel new ImageIcon resources images rotatingIcon.gif..
JTextPane doesn't display JScrollPane and doesn't Wrap Text class Main extends JFrame JFrame frame JTabbedPane tabbedPane JPanel home news public Main setTitle My Title setSize 900.. setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE home news tabbedPane new JTabbedPane tabbedPane.addTab Home home tabbedPane.addTab.. JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE home news tabbedPane new JTabbedPane tabbedPane.addTab Home home tabbedPane.addTab News news JPanel framePanel..
JTree add nodes on startup of application class MyTextEditor extends JFrame JTree tree JTabbedPane tabbedPane new JTabbedPane File myDocumentsFolder new File C Documents.. JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT new JScrollPane tree tabbedPane add splitPane tree.addMouseListener new MouseAdapter public..
java wait cursor display problem java.awt.Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR javax.swing.JTabbedPane tabbedPane new javax.swing.JTabbedPane tabbedPane.addTab Default new javax.swing.JPanel.. tabbedPane new javax.swing.JTabbedPane tabbedPane.addTab Default new javax.swing.JPanel tabbedPane.addTab Cursor.. tabbedPane.addTab Default new javax.swing.JPanel tabbedPane.addTab Cursor change cursorPanel getContentPane .add tabbedPane..
JTable row hightlighter based on value from TableCell column return getValueAt 0 column .getClass JTabbedPane tabbedPane new JTabbedPane tabbedPane.addTab Alternating createAlternating.. column .getClass JTabbedPane tabbedPane new JTabbedPane tabbedPane.addTab Alternating createAlternating model add tabbedPane private.. tabbedPane.addTab Alternating createAlternating model add tabbedPane private JComponent createAlternating DefaultTableModel model..
Applet not appearing full new CommandArea commandArea.setOpaque true JTabbedPane tabbedPane new JTabbedPane tabbedPane.setSize 400 400 tabbedPane.addTab.. true JTabbedPane tabbedPane new JTabbedPane tabbedPane.setSize 400 400 tabbedPane.addTab Rcon Details rconSection tabbedPane.addTab.. tabbedPane new JTabbedPane tabbedPane.setSize 400 400 tabbedPane.addTab Rcon Details rconSection tabbedPane.addTab Commad Area..
Can I have a JTabbedPane with a JMenuBar? class TabbedPaneWithManuBar public void makeUI JTabbedPane tabbedPane new JTabbedPane tabbedPane.setTabLayoutPolicy JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT.. public void makeUI JTabbedPane tabbedPane new JTabbedPane tabbedPane.setTabLayoutPolicy JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT for int i 0.. tab i 1 panel.setPreferredSize new Dimension 600 100 tabbedPane.add panel JFrame frame new JFrame frame.setDefaultCloseOperation..