java Programming Glossary: stuff
What's the nearest substitute for a function pointer in Java? like so public void takingMethod StringFunction sf stuff int output sf.function input more stuff And would be called.. StringFunction sf stuff int output sf.function input more stuff And would be called like so ref.takingMethod new StringFunction..
JSP tricks to make templating easier? of a limitation as you might think. If I need scriptlet stuff I just put the logic in to a tag and drop the tag in. Easy...
Difference between DTO, VO, POJO, JavaBeans? Today the term is used for any simple object with no extra stuff. Again Wikipedia does a good job at defining POJO POJO is an..
Java maximum memory on Windows XP to cut in to your address space aside from the usual stuff include security software CBT software spyware and other forms..
Secure HTTP Post in Android helper class that I'm using to do all my Http Get Post stuff. I'm using HttpGet HttpPost and HttpClient from the org.apache.http.. and HttpClient from the org.apache.http library. All of my stuff works fine over HTTP but as soon as I tried to consume a service..
java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date afterwards you may notice that you're actually missing stuff. I'm really saying that none of the Dates should be used at..
How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? in a Filter which parses it all automagically and put the stuff back in the parametermap of the request so that you can continue..
Using Java to get OS-level system information from the class. The disk space usage stuff requires Java 1.6 or higher. public class Main public static..
TreeMap sort by value map prints C 1 B 2 A 3 Note that funky stuff will happen if you try to modify either the SortedSet itself..
Simple calculator in JSP .forward request response Redisplay JSP. Making Ajaxical stuff to work is also not that hard. It's a matter of including the..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] question solved this problem and posted some interesting stuff about it to the Internet. I've linked to his solution along..
Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions? false Anyway that code is just an alpha release stuff I hacked up over the weekend. It won ™t stay that way. For the..
Avoid synchronized(this) in Java? am interested in seeing some real world examples no foobar stuff where avoiding a lock on this is preferable when synchronized..
Why does JSF need to save the state of UI components on the server side? e.g. only the h form will be saved instead of the whole stuff from html all the way to the end . Mojarra for example does..
Calling awt Frame methods from subclass What needs to happen when mousePressed ebtn is all the stuff in the Frame will be removed and a Highscores Screen will be..
Converting HTML files to PDF [closed] based layout so support for really fancy JavaScript CSS stuff is probably not needed. As I am used to working in Java a solution..
Trust Store vs Key Store - creating with keytool has only a public key and I intend to use it to send stuff over an SSL connection to Bob but perhaps that's best left for..
Capturing stdout when calling Runtime.exec
How is values() implemented for Java 6 enums? copy of this array. Given this simple enum public enum Stuff COW POTATO MOUSE You can actually look at the code that Java.. actually look at the code that Java generates public enum Stuff extends Enum Stuff public static final COW new Stuff COW 0 public.. code that Java generates public enum Stuff extends Enum Stuff public static final COW new Stuff COW 0 public static final..
Appending to an ObjectOutputStream out new ObjectOutputStream fos out.writeObject new Stuff stuff out.close But when I try to read it I only get the first.. in new ObjectInputStream fis try while true history.add Stuff in.readObject catch Exception e System.out.println e.toString..
How to get UTF-8 working in java webapps? completely in UTF 8 if the page is defined as being UTF 8 Stuff to read A very big thank you for the writers of the following..
JTable model listener detects inserted rows too soon (before they are drawn) scrollPane tableModel new DefaultTableModel new Object Stuff 0 table new JTable tableModel scrollPane.setViewportView table.. scrollPane tableModel new DefaultTableModel new Object Stuff 0 table new JTable tableModel scrollPane.setViewportView table.. tableModel new DefaultTableModel new Object Stuff 0 for int i 0 i N i tableModel.addRow new Object new row table..