java Programming Glossary: strurl
JFreechart candlestick chart weird behaviour on drag dataItems new ArrayList OHLCDataItem try String strUrl http table.csv s GOOG a 2 b 1 c 2013 d 4 e.. 1 c 2013 d 4 e 24 f 2013 g d ignore .csv URL url new URL strUrl BufferedReader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader.. dataItems new ArrayList OHLCDataItem try String strUrl http table.csv s stockSymbol a 4 b 1 c 2013..
how to resume an interrupted download occurred Here's the code Setup connection. URL url new URL strUrl 0 URLConnection cx url.openConnection cx.connect Setup streams.. url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream strUrl 1 byte data new byte 1024 Download file. for total 0 count
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 code and what it dumps Setup connection. URL url new URL strUrl 0 URLConnection connection url.openConnection downloaded Integer.parseInt.. connection url.openConnection downloaded Integer.parseInt strUrl 3 if downloaded 0 connection.setRequestProperty Range bytes.. url.openStream 8192 outFile new RandomAccessFile strUrl 1 rw if downloaded 0 downloaded byte data new..
Java - encode URL of URI will not help you. Neither can you use new URI strUrl directly since it doesn't quote url parameters. So at this stage..