java Programming Glossary: snap
Positioning of components (how to place a few buttons center screen same size) is only good when there are alot of components so they can snap in to each others positions. Using other set layout managers..
Varargs in method overloading in Java i System.out.println float EDIT The following is the snap shot that indicates the compilation error. I have created a..
Take screensot and save android block e.printStackTrace iv.setImageBitmap selectedBitmap snap shots My Layout snap shot On button click prompting the user.. iv.setImageBitmap selectedBitmap snap shots My Layout snap shot On button click prompting the user to enter a name to save.. gallery Note I have saved the cropped image in sdcard. The snap shots size varies. This worked for me on my device. I have posted..
Spreadsheet-like control for a web application? [closed] Dojo and Mootools but I'd prefer something with a bit more snap. java javascript flex web applications share improve..
Wanting a type of grid for a pixel editor colour like a typical image editor but with a sort of snap on to each grid cell Any idea of what Java component if any..
Most efficient way to cast List<SubClass> to List<BaseClass> be a problem since casting a SubClass to a BaseClass is a snap but my compiler complains that the cast is impossible. So what's..
force or generate jvm core dump [duplicate] generate java core dump system core dump heap dump and a snap dump at user signal the dump agents must be configured through.. through JVM options as follows Xdump java heap system snap events user For more information on how to configure dump agents.. the java core dump heap dump system core dump and a snap dump at user signal the following option must be supplied to..