java Programming Glossary: sms
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) an Intent to one of my BroadcastReciever that listens for SMS messages. One BroadcastReciever Using android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED.. One BroadcastReciever Using android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED for real SMS's Using a custom intent filter action.. Using android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED for real SMS's Using a custom intent filter action for these new application..
Send SMS until it is successful SMS until it is successful I am trying to send an urgent SMS from.. SMS until it is successful I am trying to send an urgent SMS from my application. I have to make sure that the SMS is being.. SMS from my application. I have to make sure that the SMS is being sent successfully. The SMS is being sent after the..
Delete SMS in Android 1.5 SMS in Android 1.5 There are many questions about it no answers.. no answers are working in my application I need to remove SMS from a receiver even if the user can see it but it must be removed.. null null null null while c.moveToNext try Delete the SMS String pid c.getString 0 Get id String uri content sms pid count..
How to send SMS in Java to send SMS in Java What are the possible ways to send and receive sms.. improve this question Have a look at Simplewire Java SMS Software Development Kit Sending and receiving SMS From Java.. Java SMS Software Development Kit Sending and receiving SMS From Java using the Ozeki Java SMS SDK share improve this answer..
AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver?? Can it be done? am working on a app that will pop up a Dialog box if I get SMS message. I am trying to code this within a BroadcaseReceiver... this . Can someone please help me with a hint public class SMSPopUpReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver private static final.. BroadcastReceiver private static final String LOG_TAG SMSReceiver public static final int NOTIFICATION_ID_RECEIVED 0x1221..
How can I send an SMS from Java? can I send an SMS from Java I wanted to send SMS to particular mobile from a.. can I send an SMS from Java I wanted to send SMS to particular mobile from a Web application and receive his..
What's causing my Connection reset? component that calls a third party Web service that sends SMS messages. Our application is written in Java and is sat on top.. StringRequestEntity smsRequestDocument LOG.debug commiting SMS to aggregator textMessage.toString int httpStatus httpClient.executeMethod..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) or .getDisplayMessageBody is null if I Broadcast a fake sms Log.i BB address currentMessage.getDisplayOriginatingAddress.. my simple purpose it can invoke notification like another sms. private static void createFakeSms Context context String sender..
How do I output the location using gps on Android intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.putExtra sms_body ad intent.setType dir mms sms startActivity.. sms_body ad intent.setType dir mms sms startActivity intent java android share improve this question..
Send SMS until it is successful class that extends Service After it makes sure that the sms is successfully sent both services the one that handles the.. one that handles the boot call and the one that sends the sms must exit. Question 1 How to make my sms sending function be.. that sends the sms must exit. Question 1 How to make my sms sending function be called with a timeout without getting the..
SMS Application [closed] closed I just wanted to know is there any free sms gateway for sending SMS. If there is one how to go on to developing.. SMS. If there is one how to go on to developing my free sms service software Any guidelines please. java php .net sms gateway.. sms service software Any guidelines please. java php .net sms gateway share improve this question Yes Kannel is a free..
Delete SMS in Android 1.5 String.valueOf msg.getTimestampMillis java android sms share improve this question After refactoring my code I.. context SmsMessage msg Uri deleteUri Uri.parse content sms int count 0 Cursor c context.getContentResolver .query deleteUri.. the SMS String pid c.getString 0 Get id String uri content sms pid count context.getContentResolver .delete Uri.parse uri ..
How to send SMS in Java in Java What are the possible ways to send and receive sms from java application Note I am expecting a list of possible.. also your opinion about each which is better how java sms share improve this question Have a look at Simplewire Java..
How can I send an SMS from Java? only. Is it possible to create using Java technology java sms send share improve this question Few URLS to go through..
How to get javax.comm API? to place so that there will be no compilation error. java sms javax.comm share improve this question Oracle Java Communications..