java Programming Glossary: rule
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? than with the branch when the data is sorted. A general rule of thumb is to avoid data dependent branching in critical loops...
Simple way to repeat a String in java
Re-paint problem on translucent frame/panel/component working the way I want. You can see the result of various rule combinations in this AlphaCompositeDemo . The example below..
Which Html Parser is best? [closed] produces well formed XML. By default it follows similar rules that the most of web browsers use in order to create Document.. Object Model. However user may provide custom tag and rule set for tag filtering and balancing. With HtmlCleaner you can..
Best Practice: Initialize class fields in constructor or at declaration? one approach. c# java share improve this question My rules 1. Don't initialize with the default values in declaration..
Java: when to use static methods java static methods share improve this question One rule of thumb ask yourself does it make sense to call this method..
When to choose checked and unchecked exceptions should be used. The Java core API fails to follow these rules for IOException and SQLException which is why they are so terrible... exception in an unchecked exception. If you follow this rule you will find yourself converting checked exceptions to unchecked..
Java: How to test methods that call System.exit()? the comments using System Rules a collection of JUnit 4.7 rules for testing code which uses java.lang.System . System.exit.. java.lang.System . System.exit Use the ExpectedSystemExit rule to verify that System.exit is called. You could verify the exit..
Weird Integer boxing in Java statement returning true Is there some strange autoboxing rule that kicks in when an Integer's value is in a certain range.. be feasible using existing implementation techniques. The rules above are a pragmatic compromise. The final clause above requires..
What's wrong with overridable method calls in constructors? methods directly or indirectly. If you violate this rule program failure will result. The superclass constructor runs..
Multiple wildcards on a generic methods makes Java compiler (and me!) very confused bug or am I misunderstanding the capture conversion rules for wildcards Appendix A Double LOL In case anyone is curious.. Java nested wildcard generic won ™t compile Appendix The rules of capture conversion This was brought up in the first revision.. on where it appears . There is no recursive application in rule 4 but when rules 2 or 3 applies then the respective B i may..
How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java? phase s . Fewer iterations is OK on the warmup phase. The rule of thumb is several tens of thousands of inner loop iterations...
Java: checked vs unchecked exception explanation practice and should be avoided. Alas there is no single rule to let you determine when to catch when to rethrow when to use..
Do you keep your project files under version control? [closed] in a big README file and versionned as well of course . Rule of thumb for me You must be able to load a project into a workspace..
How Java do the string concatenation using “+”? a c.append b c is only created once and appended a and b . Rule of the thumb is changed thanks to the comments I got If you..
Multiple wildcards on a generic methods makes Java compiler (and me!) very confused try some nesting List List can NOT CC List List String Rule 4 applies and CC is not recursive so the can NOT CC List extends..
How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java? writing micro benchmarks from the creators of Java HotSpot Rule 0 Read a reputable paper on JVMs and micro benchmarking. A good.. only a limited range of JVM performance characteristics. Rule 1 Always include a warmup phase which runs your test kernel.. is several tens of thousands of inner loop iterations. Rule 2 Always run with XX PrintCompilation verbose gc etc. so you..
JTable how prepareEditor works JCheckBox in TableColumn then I can't shows only Rule Mail TableColumn only to shows all Components in the TableRow.. private Object columns new Object Select Name Rule Mail Include Phone private Object data false Bill false Blabla@bla.. private Object columns new Object Select Name Rule Mail Include Phone private Object data false Bill false Blabla@bla..
How to Re-run failed JUnit tests immediately? JUnit tests immediately Is there a way to have an JUnit Rule or something similar that gives every failing test a second.. share improve this question You can do this with a TestRule . This will give you the flexibility you need. A TestRule allows.. . This will give you the flexibility you need. A TestRule allows you to insert logic around the test so you would implement..
Stand-alone Java code formatter/beautifier/pretty printer? to styling rules Read Source Code &rarr Apply Styling Rules &rarr Write Styled Source Code Style Checker does not produce.. modified source code Read Source Code &rarr Apply Styling Rules &rarr Write Rule Violations Further Clarifications Solutions.. Read Source Code &rarr Apply Styling Rules &rarr Write Rule Violations Further Clarifications Solutions must be highly configurable...