java Programming Glossary: rowheight
Custom List Field click event int h Math.min height getPreferredHeight int rowHeight getRowHeight int numRows getFieldCount setExtent w h setVirtualExtent.. int numRows getFieldCount setExtent w h setVirtualExtent w rowHeight numRows for int i 0 i numRows i Field f getField i setPositionChild.. i 0 i numRows i Field f getField i setPositionChild f 0 rowHeight i layoutChild f w rowHeight public int getPreferredWidth return..
add thumnails to spring layout like a grid? Dimension dim new Dimension 0 0 int rowWidth 0 int rowHeight 0 int nmembers target.getComponentCount for int i 0 i nmembers.. row. if rowWidth d.width maxWidth addRow dim rowWidth rowHeight rowWidth 0 rowHeight 0 Add a horizontal gap for all components.. maxWidth addRow dim rowWidth rowHeight rowWidth 0 rowHeight 0 Add a horizontal gap for all components after the first..
Auto adjust the height of rows in a JTable try for int row 0 row table.getRowCount row int rowHeight table.getRowHeight for int column 0 column table.getColumnCount.. table.getCellRenderer row column row column rowHeight Math.max rowHeight comp.getPreferredSize .height table.setRowHeight.. row column row column rowHeight Math.max rowHeight comp.getPreferredSize .height table.setRowHeight row rowHeight..
How can I let JToolBars wrap to the next line (FlowLayout) without them being hidden ty the JPanel below them? FlowLayout starts by adding vgap so do that here too. int rowHeight 0 for int i 0 i n i Component c target.getComponent i if c.isVisible.. fits in current row. if x 0 x hgap x d.width rowHeight Math.max rowHeight d.height else Start of new row x d.width.. row. if x 0 x hgap x d.width rowHeight Math.max rowHeight d.height else Start of new row x d.width y vgap rowHeight..