java Programming Glossary: rset
Remove boilerplate from db code Connection conn null Statement stmt null ResultSet rset null try conn dataSource.getConnection stmt conn.prepareStatement.. stmt conn.prepareStatement sql ...set stmt params rset stmt.executeQuery while Do something interesting.. sql ...set stmt params rset stmt.executeQuery while Do something interesting finally try if rset null rset.close..
SQL prepared statement how to select via multiple possible menu selections? pstmt.setString 7 category pstmt.setString 8 category rset pstmt.executeQuery Update yeah I had to use instead of is null..
What is the equivalent of Oracle?™s REF CURSOR in MySQL when using JDBC? private CallableStatement stmt private OracleResultSet rset ...clip... stmt conn.prepareCall call call stmt.registerOutParameter.. 1 OracleTypes.CURSOR stmt.execute rset OracleResultSet stmt.getObject 1 What is the equivalent in MySQL..
Closing JDBC Connections in Pool ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY ResultSet rset stmt.executeQuery sqlQuery do stuff with rset rset.close stmt.close.. ResultSet rset stmt.executeQuery sqlQuery do stuff with rset rset.close stmt.close conn.close Question 1 When using Connection.. rset stmt.executeQuery sqlQuery do stuff with rset rset.close stmt.close conn.close Question 1 When using Connection..
Connecting to oracle in android public ResultSet getResult throws SQLException ResultSet rset stmt.executeQuery select customer from customers stmt.close.. select customer from customers stmt.close return rset And in my main activity onCreate method I have this @Override..