java Programming Glossary: rxtx
Issues receving in RXTX receving in RXTX I've been using RXTX for about a year now without too many.. receving in RXTX I've been using RXTX for about a year now without too many problems. I just started.. problems so what could be wrong with my code or the RXTX library Edit something interesting When I open HyperTerminal..
How to access USB ports in java but all the post seem fairly old. Currently I'm using the RXTX libraries but I sometimes run into some sync error. When I use..
Java Serial Communication on Windows weeks ago and I've been very happy with the multi platform RXTX library so far. Works with any Windows Linux and OS X. Has a..
Java RS-232 Communication on Windows RS 232 devices in a WIN32 enviroment I've tried RXTX but they don't support RS232 only RS 485. java windows serial..
Thread interrupt not ending blocking call on input stream read not ending blocking call on input stream read I'm using RXTX to read data from a serial port. The reading is done within..
Javax.comm API on 64-bit Windows share improve this question Recent 2.2pre versions of RXTX include binaries for 64 bit windows. I think the latest RXTX.. include binaries for 64 bit windows. I think the latest RXTX information source has changed to this http instead.. instead of http though. At one point the RXTX library included drop in support for using the javax.comm api...
using serial port RS-232 in android? improve this question I just ported the JavaCOMM GNU RXTX library to the Android. Here is the link http v projects..
Dynamically loading a native library inside Java applet this I am using the Java Comm API in conjuction with the RXTX library . I've successfully managed to read data through a local.. do the same from within an applet. The problem is that the RXTX library is a native library and I haven't found a way to load..
Issues receving in RXTX Clear To Send DTR Data Terminal Ready java serial port rxtx share improve this question OK sorry it's taken me so long.. what is actually going on. Emailing the RXTX developers at they are very helpful share improve this answer..
How to access USB ports in java too clear I'm fairly noob with coding usb IO. java usb rxtx share improve this question There is nothing equivalent..
Thread interrupt not ending blocking call on input stream read appreciated. java multithreading nonblocking channel rxtx share improve this question You can't make a stream that..
java inputstream read blocking all of my data to be displayed java blocking inputstream rxtx java io share improve this question A read of 1 doesn't.. implements InputStream as intended. It's possible that the rxtx implementation violates the contract of but.. to such code will cause problems. If rxtx supports non blocking I O they should have created their own..
Dynamically loading a native library inside Java applet an alternative I would love to hear it java applet jni rxtx share improve this question Use Java Web Start. You can..
Getting Ant <javac> to recognise a classpath fileset dir . id TSA.classpath include name libraries rxtx RXTXcomm.jar include name libraries commons logging 1.1.1.jar..
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no rxtxSerial in java.library.path no rxtxSerial in java.library.path I am trying to use the 64 bit rxtx.. in java.library.path I am trying to use the 64 bit rxtx serial communication library downloaded from cloudhopper with.. I get the message java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError no rxtxSerial in java.library.path . The dlls are in the jre lib dir..