java Programming Glossary: rowdata
Android SQLite and huge data sets void bindView View view Context context Cursor cursor RowData data new RowData data.setName cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex.. View view Context context Cursor cursor RowData data new RowData data.setName cursor.getInt cursor.getColumnIndex name TextView..
Delayed response to JTable row selection event under a huge data load String columnNames new String Date Row private List RowData data public MyTableModel data new ArrayList RowData 25 @Override.. List RowData data public MyTableModel data new ArrayList RowData 25 @Override public Class getColumnClass int columnIndex return.. @Override public Object getValueAt int row int col RowData value data.get row return col 0 value.getDate value.getRow ..
Dynamic ListView in Android app private LayoutInflater mInflater private Vector RowData data Called when the activity is first created. @Override public.. Activity.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE data new Vector RowData RowData rd new RowData item1 description1 data.add rd rd new.. Activity.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE data new Vector RowData RowData rd new RowData item1 description1 data.add rd rd new RowData..
The case against checked exceptions table model somewhere with an API with this method public RowData getRowData int row Now as an API programmer I know there will.. somewhere with an API with this method public RowData getRowData int row Now as an API programmer I know there will be cases.. exception and force the client to deal with it public RowData getRowData int row throws CheckedInvalidRowNumberException I..
Most simple code to populate JTable from ResultSet meta.getColumnCount while Object rowData new Object numberOfColumns for int i 0 i rowData.length i .. Object rowData new Object numberOfColumns for int i 0 i rowData.length i rowData i res.getObject i 1 dtm.addRow rowData.. Object numberOfColumns for int i 0 i rowData.length i rowData i res.getObject i 1 dtm.addRow rowData gui.jTable1.setModel..
JavaFX TableView dynamic column and data values String row FXCollections.observableArrayList for String rowData dataList row.add rowData cvsData.add row add each row to cvsData.. for String rowData dataList row.add rowData cvsData.add row add each row to cvsData table1.setItems cvsData..
JTable Boolean.class class ColorTableModel extends AbstractTableModel Object rowData value1 Boolean.FALSE value1 Boolean.FALSE value1 Boolean.FALSE.. return columnNames column public int getRowCount return rowData.length public Object getValueAt int row int column return rowData.. public Object getValueAt int row int column return rowData row column public Class getColumnClass int column return getValueAt..
How to make a screen like this on Blackberry MainScreen implements FieldChangeListener private Vector rowData public StackScreen super MainScreen.VERTICAL_SCROLL MainScreen.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR.. 10 10 10 10 add title populate a dummy set of model data rowData new Vector Data one new Data Title 1 Some footer info new.. String First line of text Second line of text image2.png rowData.addElement one rowData.addElement two create a UI representation..
Dynamic ListView in Android app TextView description null data from your adapter RowData rowData getItem position we want to reuse already constructed row views..... convertView.getTag item holder.getItem item.setText rowData.mItem description holder.getDescription description.setText.. description holder.getDescription description.setText rowData.mDescription return convertView Wrapper for row data. private..
poi wrong date formula value calculated public boolean processCell boolean hasData StringBuffer rowData Cell cell switch cell.getCellType case Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA.. cell logger.warn cell.getCellFormula rowData.append dateFormat.format cell.getDateCellValue hasData true.. cell.getDateCellValue hasData true else rowData.append numberFormat.format cell.getNumericCellValue hasData..
MVP: Should the View implement a Presenter's interface or vice versa? T columnDefinitions void setRowData List T rowData Widget asWidget What's the idea of this difference Which should..