java Programming Glossary: routine
The performance impact of using instanceof in Java class is an instance of the subclass and carry out some routine. One of the other ways I thought of solving it was to use to..
Covariance and contravariance in programming languages . That is a List Apple is a List Fruit . If there is some routine which accepts a List Fruit as a parameter and I have a List.. covariance makes no sense because we might assume that our routine could add some other fruit which was not an apple as above...
Stop a stopwatch and or task instance when you create it so that your stop routine can call the appropriate cancel method. Update So you effectively..
Evaluating a math expression given in string form given in string form I am trying to write a Java routine to evaluate simple math expressions from String s. Example strings..
Convert .c to .java ecc_uint8 ecc_b_lut 256 static ecc_uint32 edc_lut 256 Init routine static void eccedc_init void ecc_uint32 i j edc for i 0 i 256..
Simple conversion between java.util.Date and XMLGregorianCalendar XML date time and a Java date object seems like a pretty routine task and I'm surprised that I have to write this code at all...
Java Regex Helper not work on Java ™s native character set Yes that ™s right routine stuff like w and s or rather w and b does not work on Unicode.. bolted on the side model and they are far too important to routine text processing to be ignored. Java is much too low level a..
Java - encode URL u.getQuery u.getRef . toURL Before you can use this routine you have to sanitize your string to ensure it represents an..
Zip files with Java: Is there a limit? files with Java Is there a limit I'm creating a backup routine for my application with Java. However when the zip file is over..
make a button round 0 0 getWidth getHeight return shape.contains x y Test routine. public static void main String args Create a button with the..
What is Boilerplate code , Hot code and Hot spots? defined generally refers to code localized to a function routine or method that causes a higher fraction of time to be spent.. functions. Does that mean I should try to make that routine faster I don't even own it Is there a bottleneck in the form.. even own it Is there a bottleneck in the form of some slow routine No There's no particular routine that's slow or a bad algorithm..
How to prevent that java.exe is installed in Windows' system32? Is there a way to prevent that the Java installation routine e.g. jdk 7u1 windows i586.exe copies java.exe into C Windows..
How can I use credit card numbers containing spaces? submitting for processing as part of a standard validation routine. That page has a Java implementation of that routine. Every.. routine. That page has a Java implementation of that routine. Every website that accepts credit card payment should be doing..