

java Programming Glossary: resolver

Validate an XML File Against Multiple Schema Definitions


correctly via an include I had to write a custom resource resolver. Code can be found here http pbin.oogly.co.uk listings viewlistingdetail.. 2a70d763929ce3053085bfaa1d78e2 To use the resolver specify it on the schema factory xmlSchemaFactory.setResourceResolver..

Modular web apps


resource location with the HTTPService. Our central view resolver then merges this JSP with our central Sitemesh decorator and..

Jboss Seam: Enabling Debug page on WebLogic 10.3.2 (11g)


com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler view handler el resolver org.jboss.seam.el.SeamELResolver el resolver resource bundle.. handler el resolver org.jboss.seam.el.SeamELResolver el resolver resource bundle base name XX.XXXX.XXX.prs.web.messages.messages..

How to handle MaxUploadSizeExceededException


that works using a HandlerExceptionResolver. Add multipart resolver to your Spring config bean id multipartResolver class org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartResolver..

How does autowiring work in spring?


context. Web applications have a Servlet JSF uses a el resolver etc. Also there is a place where the application context is..

Spring's Json not being resolved with appropriate response


Jackson beans and of the json mapping in the negotiating resolver. the mvc annotation driven should configure everything you need..

Validate JAXBElement in JPA/JAX-RS Web Service


JAXBContext jaxbContext null ContextResolver JAXBContext resolver providers.getContextResolver JAXBContext.class arg3 if null.. JAXBContext.class arg3 if null resolver jaxbContext resolver.getContext arg0 if null jaxbContext .. JAXBContext.class arg3 if null resolver jaxbContext resolver.getContext arg0 if null jaxbContext jaxbContext JAXBContext.newInstance..

How to reference constants in EL?


through Javabean style getter methods. Create a custom EL resolver which first scans the presence of a constant and if absent then.. of a constant and if absent then delegate to the default resolver otherwise returns the constant value instead. Update since EL..

Spring Expression Language and Spring Security 3: accessing bean reference in @PreAuthorize


EL1057E pos 1 No bean resolver registered in the context to resolve access to bean 'testBean'..

TaskScheduler, @Scheduled and quartz


public void setEmbeddedValueResolver StringValueResolver resolver this.embeddedValueResolver resolver public void setApplicationContext.. StringValueResolver resolver this.embeddedValueResolver resolver public void setApplicationContext ApplicationContext applicationContext..

Where do I put my credentials when using Ivy and a private company repository?


get dependencies from the Nexus server by using a ibilio resolver and m2compatible true but I have to put my credentials in a..

Why DispatcherServlet creates another application context?


. The root context is then accessed by JSF .jsf variable resolver. It works fine. Now the problem is the requests .do going thru..

How to customize parameter names when binding spring mvc command objects


question Here's what I got working First a parameter resolver This resolver handles command objects annotated with @SupportsAnnotationParameterResolution.. Here's what I got working First a parameter resolver This resolver handles command objects annotated with @SupportsAnnotationParameterResolution.. mpvs.add key values And then registering the parameter resolver using a post processor. It should be registered as a bean Post..

Convert ivy.xml to pom.xml


build prepare description Upload to Nexus ivy publish resolver nexus deploy pubrevision project.version overwrite true publishivy.. realm Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager username passwd resolvers ibiblio name nexus central root http somehost nexus content.. somehost nexus content repositories repo m2compatible true resolvers ivysettings Notes Ivy downloads use the configured default..