java Programming Glossary: realm
How to force Jetty to ask for credentials with BASIC authentication after invalidating the session? needs a username password and we've named this security realm 'xyz' . The server doesn't know whether the user is typing in.. 401 response.setHeader WWW Authenticate basic realm Auth session.getCreationTime session.setAttribute auth Boolean.TRUE.. Login Required return In that example I've named the realm with the creation time of the session although it's not very..
Http Basic Authentication in Java using HttpClient? .setCredentials new AuthScope ipaddress 443 realm new UsernamePasswordCredentials test1 test1 PostMethod post..
Does Java guarantee that Object.getClass() == Object.getClass()? to the same physical object within the same classloader realm . However a different classloader will load a different class..
Library to integrate Google's OAuth/OpenID hybrid in Java Web App? like so I use http as OpenID realm . I add following parameters to redirect url or form when redirecting..
Shiro vs. SpringSecurity [closed] property name realm ref myRealm bean bean id myRealm class ... ... bean Although..
Java EE 6: How to implement “Stay Logged In” when user login in to the web application constraint login config auth method FORM auth method realm name jdbc realm scholar realm name form login config form login.. login config auth method FORM auth method realm name jdbc realm scholar realm name form login config form login page index.jsf.. auth method FORM auth method realm name jdbc realm scholar realm name form login config form login page index.jsf form login..
The art of programming: Java vs C# [closed] started working which is where I had to delve into the C# realm. Though the .Net library is fairly extensive I can't help but.. this will be controversial better IDEs particularly in the realm of code refactoring where Visual Studio without Resharper is..
Convert ivy.xml to pom.xml defaultResolver nexus central credentials host somehost realm Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager username passwd resolvers.. to the Nexus repository called nexus deploy The security realm in this example matches Nexus Maven. Would be different for..
How to handle authentication/authorization with users in a database? a security constraint in web.xml which refers a security realm which is configured in servletcontainer. You can for your webapp.. or role s e.g. secured app private etc. How to configure a realm is described in servletconainer specific documentation. In case.. 7 that's the Realm HOW TO . For example a database based realm based on users roles tables is described in section JDBCRealm..
Delayed response to JTable row selection event under a huge data load So new items are added to the table from its own Realm. And Listener was added from the SWT UI thread. The problem..
How do I debug GlassFish 3 using Eclipse Helios? INFO Realm admin realm of classtype classtype successfully created. INFO Realm file of classtype successfully created. INFO Realm file of classtype
Jetty webserver security settings in Jetty already defines a realm called Test Realm . The realm is defined in the file etc jetty testrealm.xml... auth method Use http basic authentication realm name Test Realm realm name Users are defined in this realm login config share..
Java EE Login Page Problem login is invalid or when the container doesn't have any Realm definied at all. Assuming that you're certain that the username.. question. Just consult its documentation using the keyword Realm . For example for Tomcat 7.0 that's the Realm Configuration.. the keyword Realm . For example for Tomcat 7.0 that's the Realm Configuration HOW TO . If you have the usernames passwords in..
JDBC Realm Login Page Realm Login Page i tried to create a login page using JDBC realm.. 1.dtd glassfish web app error url context root JDBC_Realm context root security role mapping role name User role name..
GlassFish JDBC Realm Group Membership JDBC Realm Group Membership I have been busy setting up authentication.. NOT NULL @UNDO DROP TABLE USERS_GROUPS The Glassfish JDBCRealm configuration snippet from domain.xml auth realm name MyRealm.. configuration snippet from domain.xml auth realm name MyRealm classname
How to handle authentication/authorization with users in a database? specific documentation. In case of Tomcat 7 that's the Realm HOW TO . For example a database based realm based on users roles.. based on users roles tables is described in section JDBCRealm . Advantages Quick and easy to setup and use. Disadvantages.. Advantages Quick and easy to setup and use. Disadvantages Realm configuration is container specific. No fine grained control...