java Programming Glossary: reader
CSV API for Java [closed] String fileName data.csv CSVReader reader new CSVReader new FileReader fileName if the first line is the.. fileName if the first line is the header String header reader.readNext iterate over reader.readNext until it returns null.. is the header String header reader.readNext iterate over reader.readNext until it returns null String line reader.readNext There..
How can I lock a file using java (if possible) lock in.getChannel .lock try Reader reader new InputStreamReader in charset ... finally lock.release finally..
Java: What is the best way to SFTP a file from a server over SFTP. Error handling is left as an exercise for the reader JSch jsch new JSch String knownHostsFilename home username .ssh..
Parsing query strings in Java btw. Breaking them is an interesting exercise for the reader. And to the hackers attacking the websites that use them . Parsing..
How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? getValue Part part throws IOException BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader part.getInputStream.. char buffer new char 1024 for int length 0 length buffer 0 value.append buffer 0 length return value.toString..
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? param.split 2 1 break if charset null BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader response charset try.. response charset try for String line line reader.readLine null ... System.out.println line finally try reader.close.. null ... System.out.println line finally try reader.close catch IOException logOrIgnore else It's likely binary..
How to create a Java String from the contents of a file? readFile String file throws IOException BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new FileReader file String line null StringBuilder.. String ls System.getProperty line.separator while line reader.readLine null stringBuilder.append line stringBuilder.append..
Java Process with Input/Output Stream InputStream stdout process.getInputStream BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader stdout BufferedWriter.. input n writer.write input writer.flush while line reader.readLine null System.out.println Stdout line input scan.nextLine.. input n writer.write input writer.close while line reader.readLine null System.out.println Stdout line java share..
How can you search Google Programmatically Java API url new URL google URLEncoder.encode search charset Reader reader new InputStreamReader url.openStream charset GoogleResults results.. charset GoogleResults results new Gson .fromJson reader GoogleResults.class Show title and URL of 1st result. System.out.println..
Find Java classes implementing an interface [duplicate] ClassFinder class. The utility I wrote it for is an RSS reader that I still use every day so the code does tend to get exercised... I use ClassFinder to support a plug in API in the RSS reader on startup it looks in a couple directory trees for jars and..
How do I simulate a buffered peripheral device with SwingWorker? possibly it belongs in Programmers I'm simulating a card reader. It has a GUI allowing us to load cards into the hopper and.. on a separate thread and requesting cards. The card reader maintains a single buffer. If a card request comes in and the.. a card request comes in and the buffer is empty the card reader must read a card from the hopper which takes 1 4 of a second..
Is it possible to read from a InputStream with a timeout? fundamental problem like the writer not responding the reader would block for ever. If I wrap the read in a future I can then..
How to do query auto-completion/suggestions in Lucene? work pretty well import import import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.HashMap import java.util.Iterator.. import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter import org.apache.lucene.index.Term.. private final Directory autoCompleteDirectory private IndexReader autoCompleteReader private IndexSearcher autoCompleteSearcher..
Create a “Command” Console application import java.awt.Color import import import import javax.swing.JFrame.. import import import javax.swing.JFrame import bsh.util.GUIConsoleInterface.. void inputLoop GUIConsoleInterface console String prompt Reader input console.getIn BufferedReader bufInput new BufferedReader..
How can I lock a file using java (if possible) I have a java process that opens a file using a FileReader. How can I prevent another java process to open this file or.. java.nio.channels.FileLock lock in.getChannel .lock try Reader reader new InputStreamReader in charset ... finally lock.release.. lock in.getChannel .lock try Reader reader new InputStreamReader in charset ... finally lock.release finally in.close Disclaimer..
Java - Scroll to specific text inside JTextArea textArea.setWrapStyleWord true textArea.setLineWrap true Reader reader null try reader new FileReader new File Java.txt true Reader reader null try reader new FileReader new File Java.txt reader null catch Exception..
Java: Difference between PrintStream and PrintWriter characters and not bytes PrintStream predates JDK 1.1 when Reader Writer character streams were introduced. I imagine Sun would..
How do I parse JSON from a Java HTTPResponse? best I can do HttpResponse response some response object Reader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader response.getEntity.. response some response object Reader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent UTF 8 StringBuilder.. object Reader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent UTF 8 StringBuilder builder new..
Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement e.g. Date Time Timestamp BigDecimal InputStream Blob and Reader Clob . On most of those types you can't just do a toString as..
Reading streams from java Runtime.exec where the gobblers are Runnable s which use a BufferedReader to read the input and error streams of the executing process... its input @param process The process to execute @param _in Reader that will feed the input pipe of the process @param out Writer.. public static void communicate Process process final Reader _in final Writer out final Writer err Buffer the input reader..
How can you search Google Programmatically Java API 8 URL url new URL google URLEncoder.encode search charset Reader reader new InputStreamReader url.openStream charset GoogleResults.. search charset Reader reader new InputStreamReader url.openStream charset GoogleResults results new Gson .fromJson..
simplest way to read json from a URL in java but still usable. package so4308554 import import import import.. import import import import import java.nio.charset.Charset.. import import import import java.nio.charset.Charset import org.json.JSONException..
Producing valid XML with Java and UTF-8 encoding US ASCII characters so prologue is always readable . A Reader deals with characters it will decode the byte stream of the.. of the underlying InputStream. As a result when you pass a Reader to the parser you are telling it that you've already handled..
Best way to read a text file [closed] this question ASCII is a TEXT file so you would use Readers for reading. Java also supports reading from a binary file.. being read are huge then you would want to use a BufferedReader on top of a FileReader to improve read performance. Go through.. you would want to use a BufferedReader on top of a FileReader to improve read performance. Go through this article on how..
How to parse dynamic JSON fields with GSON? I can simply use GSON to parse that Gson gson new Gson Reader reader new InputStreamReader source Result response gson.fromJson.. parse that Gson gson new Gson Reader reader new InputStreamReader source Result response gson.fromJson reader Result.class I know.. Map Integer Result result gson.fromJson new InputStreamReader source mapType Or you can try to write custom serializer for..
Does close ever throw an IOException? O. Are there any cases in which calling close on a Stream Reader Writer actually throws an IOException If an exception is actually..
List of useful environment settings in Java Object data int offset String columnNames data mergeArrays Reader ImageIO.getReaderFileSuffixes Writer ImageIO.getWriterFileSuffixes.. String columnNames data mergeArrays Reader ImageIO.getReaderFileSuffixes Writer ImageIO.getWriterFileSuffixes columnNames.. new DefaultMutableTreeNode md data mergeArrays Reader ImageIO.getReaderMIMETypes Writer ImageIO.getWriterMIMETypes..
Is it possible to read from a InputStream with a timeout? may be non interruptible. Wrapping the InputStream in a Reader or InterruptibleChannel doesn't help because all those classes..
Converting int to char in java String constructor and provide a Charset or use InputStreamReader with the appropriate Charset instead. Simply casting from int.. from a stream directly. EDIT If you are already using a Reader then casting the return value of read to char is the right way..