

java Programming Glossary: reader.read

Singleton with Arguments in Java


null ObjectReader reader new ObjectReader filePath object reader.read Do some stuff with the object which is immutable . As you can..

Using CsvBeanReader to read a CSV file with a variable number of columns


false parse past the header Entry entry entry reader.read Entry.class header cellProcessor System.out.println entry.Application..

How to read a file into string in java?


char buf new char 1024 int numRead 0 while numRead reader.read buf 1 String readData String.valueOf buf 0 numRead fileData.append..

RAII in Java… is resource disposal always so ugly?


out tgtEncoding char buffer new char 1024 int r while r reader.read buffer 1 writer.write buffer 0 r AutoCloseable types will..

Java: How to display an XML file in a JTree


Exception SAXReader reader new SAXReader Document doc reader.read pathToXml return new JTree build doc.getRootElement public DefaultMutableTreeNode..

How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet?


char buffer new char 1024 for int length 0 length reader.read buffer 0 value.append buffer 0 length return value.toString..

How to convert from CMYK to RGB in Java correctly?


BufferedImage image ICC_Profile profile null try image reader.read 0 catch IIOException e colorType COLOR_TYPE_CMYK checkAdobeMarker.. file WritableRaster raster WritableRaster reader.readRaster 0 null if colorType COLOR_TYPE_YCCK convertYcckToCmyk..

iText - add content to existing PDF file


iText. In pseudo code I would do this Document document reader.read input document.add new Paragraph my timestamp writer.write document..

How to make a java program to print both out.println() and err.println() statements?


new InputStreamReader proc.getInputStream int ch while ch reader.read 1 System.out.print char ch reader.close Response to your update..

How to download videos from youtube on java?


new InputStreamReader instream encoding int n while n reader.read buffer 1 writer.write buffer 0 n finally instream.close String..

How do I use Java to read from a file that is actively being written?


while running if reader.available 0 System.out.print char reader.read else try sleep 500 catch InterruptedException ex running..

Faster way to read file


throws IOException boolean isNewFile false int n n reader.read buffer 0 buffer.length if n 1 return null else return new String..

Java FileReader encoding issue


reader char buf new char 1024 int numRead 0 while numRead reader.read buf 1 String readData String.valueOf buf 0 numRead fileData.append..

Most efficient way to check if a file is empty in Java on Windows


Reader reader new FileReader sLogFilename int readSize reader.read if readSize 1 System.out.println NO ERRORS else System.out.println..

Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android


buf new char 262144 int chars_read while chars_read reader.read buf 0 262144 1 buffer.append buf 0 chars_read tmpstr buffer.toString..

Parsing JSON from URL


StringBuffer int read char chars new char 1024 while read reader.read chars 1 buffer.append chars 0 read return buffer.toString finally..

How do I read input character-by-character in Java?


Reader reader throws IOException int r while r reader.read 1 char ch char r System.out.println Do something with ch The..

Convert static windows library to dll


StringWriter writer new StringWriter int read while read reader.read 1 writer.write read reader.close heaerWriter.append #pragma..

JPEG image with wrong colors


is reader.setInput iis false false src reader.read 0 IIOMetadata imageMetadata reader.getImageMetadata 0 Now i'd..

Java File IO Compendium


value char buffer new char bufferSize while true int r reader.read buffer if r 0 break writer.write buffer 0 r Copies contents..