java Programming Glossary: readwritelock
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted CyclicBarrier Must be created anew each time it is used. ReadWriteLock My favorite. You can have as many threads pausing you as you.. yourself if you wish. import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock PauseableThread.. import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock PauseableThread is a Thread with pause resume and cancel methods...
Why use a ReentrantLock if one can use synchronized(this)? comparison is between ReentrantLock and synchronized . ReadWriteLock serves a different purpose and is thus not directly analogous.. . In that code there appears to be no reason to be using a ReadWriteLock but it may just be lack of shown code. A ReentrantLock is unstructured..
Howto synchronize file access in a shared folder using Java (OR: ReadWriteLock on network level) synchronize file access in a shared folder using Java OR ReadWriteLock on network level I have multiple applications running in one..
Java ReentrantReadWriteLocks - how to safely acquire write lock? ReentrantReadWriteLocks how to safely acquire write lock I am using in my code at.. write lock I am using in my code at the moment a ReentrantReadWriteLock to synchronize access over a tree like structure. This structure.. with no other threads accessing the lock final ReadWriteLock lock new ReentrantReadWriteLock lock.getReadLock .lock In real..