java Programming Glossary: messagetype
How to make JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog have No selected by default? Use this constructor JOptionPane Object message int messageType int optionType Icon icon Object options Object initialValue..
Disable ok button on JOptionPane.dialog until user gives an input Object message String title int optionType int messageType Icon icon Object options Object initialValue Updated For example.....
Cannot resolve symbol 'GoogleCloudMessaging' GCM context error ctx context String messageType gcm.getMessageType intent cannot resolve method here if GoogleCloudMessaging.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_ERROR.equals.. if GoogleCloudMessaging.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_ERROR.equals messageType error sendNotification Send error intent.getExtras .toString.. else if GoogleCloudMessaging.MESSAGE_TYPE_DELETED.equals messageType error sendNotification Deleted messages on server intent.getExtras..
How to store Java Date to Mysql datetime…? VARCHAR 50 subject VARCHAR 100 message VARCHAR 1024 messageType VARCHAR 15 contactUsTime datetime primary key id TYPE InnoDB..
How to capture trayicon.displayMessage() mouse click on the tooltip baloon title private String message private TrayIcon.MessageType messageType ShowMessageListener TrayIcon trayIcon String title String message.. trayIcon String title String message TrayIcon.MessageType messageType this.trayIcon trayIcon this.title title this.message message.. trayIcon this.title title this.message message this.messageType messageType public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e trayIcon.addActionListener..