java Programming Glossary: life
Java EE 6 @javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. @javax.inject.Named vs. @javax.faces.ManagedBean definition generally a managed bean is an object that its life cycle construction destruction etc is managed by a container... container. In Java ee we have many containers that manage life cycle of their objects like JSF container EJB container CDI..
Singleton Design Pattern: Pitfalls use a Singleton. However as soon as that project takes on life and grows bigger and more complex then refactor the Singleton..
Why double width = 50/110000; the output is 0.000000000000000? the answer . So the answer is an integer. Examples In real life In Java 4 3 1.33333 4 3 1 25 12 2.083333 25 12 2 9 2 4.5 9..
Choosing a Java Web Framework now? [closed] seen the demo like everybody but I would like to read real life feedback. Until then I'll wait. I did find similar posts .....
StreamCorruptedException: invalid type code: AC that's just wasteful. Use a single OOS and OIS for the life of the socket and don't use any other streams on the socket...
Java Finalize method call As Joachim pointed out this may never happen in the life of a program if the object is always accessible. Also the garbage..
bug with varargs and overloading? with varargs have been bolted on later in Java's life and this is one area where it shows. So it is more a bug in..
Is List<Dog> a subclass of List<Animal>? Why aren't Java's generics implicitly polymorphic? of puppies Absolutely not. Illegal code because otherwise life would be Bad List Dog dogs new List Dog List Animal animals..
What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers? the verbose NodeList and Node APIs. True XPath makes the life easier but still it's another learning curve and it can end..
What does JVM flag CMSClassUnloadingEnabled actually do? CMSClassUnloadingEnabled actually do I cannot for the life of me find a definition of what the Java VM flag CMSClassUnloadingEnabled..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? itself it is framework managed and has a well defined life cycle scope and access path. Hence I believe that if you do..
Easy way to write contents of a Java InputStream to an OutputStream I suspect I'm just missing something which would make my life easier and the code clearer . So given an InputStream in and..
Are static fields open for garbage collection? it is no longer being used or will it stick around for the life of the program java static garbage collection static members..
The JPA hashCode() / equals() dilemma am still unsure which approach will be the best for a real life application or how to determine the best approach for my application...
Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0 [closed] against the two to assess their suitability under real life conditions. DBCP consistently generated exceptions into our..
Should I use Java date and time classes or go with a 3rd party library like Joda Time? frequently It has a good immutability story which makes life a lot easier IME. Leading on from immutability all the formatters..
Issue with Game of Life I'm working on a Java implementation of Conway's game of life as a personal project for myself. So far it works but the rules.. mouseReleased MouseEvent e java swing conways game of life share improve this question I suspect 1 the problem with..
Why use Interfaces, Multiple Inheritance vs Interfaces, Benefits of Interfaces? is expected polymorphism . This is rarely a case in real life and is actually a valid example where multiple inheritance would.. given callback interface it is being notified about its life cycle or other events. Marker interfaces not adding any methods..
How to smoothen scrolling of JFrame in Java new Rectangle rect.setBounds tempRect.getW 100 0 1000 tempLife.getEndpointY 500 panelDimension new Dimension 0 0 for ClassRectangle.. classRectangles panelDimension.width rectx.getW 300 for LifeLine life lifeLines panelDimension.height life.getEndpointY.. ArrayList Pair pairs ArrayList Line lines ArrayList Life meth constructing obj of DrawingPanel Here public class SeqDiaPanel..
How to know if a detached JPA entity has already been persisted or not? the JPA 1.0 specification in section 3.2 Entity Instance ™s Life Cycle This section describes the EntityManager operations for..
How to get the remaining battery life in a Windows system? structure . It offers among others the BatteryLifePercent property which may be of your interest. I found a helpful.. ACLineStatus public byte BatteryFlag public byte BatteryLifePercent public byte Reserved1 public int BatteryLifeTime public.. BatteryLifePercent public byte Reserved1 public int BatteryLifeTime public int BatteryFullLifeTime @Override protected List..
Getting an attribute value in xml element Text name Family id e 670 Item Item Item type Text name Life Time Maximum id u 8000 Item Item type Text name Coinsurance..
Issue with Game of Life with Game of Life I'm working on a Java implementation of Conway's game of life.. has been checked. This example shows typical Game of Life behavior. Note that suspicions ain't answers so it is best to..