java Programming Glossary: licensed
Java Log Viewer well. They have a free version with a startup nag screen a licensed version with no nag and a pro version with additional features...
Why is the Java date API (java.util.Date, .Calendar) such a mess? programmers can screw up. java.util.Calendar which Sun licensed to rectify the Date mess is a testament to the fact that average..
Best enterprise repository tool for Maven 2? ones ibiblio codehaus etc. and proprietary ones e.g. Sun's licensed JARs like the Servlet API . We would like something that runs..
Write a password protected Zip file in Java [closed] threadID 1526137 UPDATE This code is now Apache licensed and released at http p winzipaes . It worked..
Dynamically find the class that represents a primitive Java type method can be found e. g. here . The class source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 model. Note however that the algorithm..
Appending files to a zip file with Java you to try out the TrueZIP open source apache style licensed library that exposes any archive as a virtual file system into..
Where to find source code for java.lang native methods? instead or in addition to through JNI Java. JDK6 is freely licensed through the Java Research License JRL and Java Internal Use.. and Java Internal Use License JIUL . JDK7 and OpenJDK6 is licensed under GPL 2 with CLASSPATH exception roughly speaking you can..
Create thumbnail image for PDF in Java share improve this question PDF Renderer is a LGPL licensed pure java library that makes this as simple as taken from their..
Does anyone know of a fork of iText?
Password strength checking library [closed] Yes compatible with a GPL 3 project Yes LGPLv3 APLv2 dual licensed as of November 2013 compatible with Spring wiring Looks like..
Find Java classes implementing an interface [duplicate] a lot faster than you might expect. The library is BSD licensed so you can safely bundle it with your code. Source is available...
How to monitor the computer's cpu, memory, and disk usage in Java? best answer to my question so far. However due it being licensed under the GPL I cannot use it for my original purpose a closed.. returns 1 on Windows . EDIT 2011 08 18 Although originally licensed under GPL it has been changed to Apache 2.0 which can generally..
RGB to CMYK and back algorithm available for download 1 but I'm not sure how they are licensed. Once you have the color profiles something like the following..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android at a time and wrapping to the next line as needed. Code licensed under CC by SA @author Henrik Gustafsson @see http
Finding your application's URL with only a ServletContext reading it at startup but this application is going to be licensed and deployed to customers' application servers and if possible..
Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders reuse is no problem. It's one java file and is ASL 2.0 licensed and available from Apache. Before our attention spans get too..
How can I read from a Winzip self-extracting (exe) zip file in Java? The code is hosted at SourceForge project page website and licensed under Apache License 2.0 so commercial use is fine AFAIK there's..