java Programming Glossary: library
How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? try to do this on your own or copypaste some homegrown library less code found elsewhere on the Internet. Many online sources.. also uploading of pdf file . You should rather use a real library which is used and implicitly tested by millions of users for.. implicitly tested by millions of users for years. Such a library has proven its robustness. When you're not on Servlet 3.0 yet..
Overriding equals and hashCode in Java and HashCodeBuilder from the Apache Commons Lang library. An example public class Person private String name private..
How to call SOAP web service in Android fine but it's 2008 so I figured there should be some good library for calling standard web services. The web service is just basically.. this question Android does not provide any sort of SOAP library. You can either write your own or use something like kSOAP 2.. Google has shown to date little interest in adding a SOAP library to Android. My suspicion for this is that they'd rather support..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog if progress 100 mProgressDialog.dismiss 2.1 Use Groundy library Groundy is a library a friend and I wrote time ago. It basically.. 2.1 Use Groundy library Groundy is a library a friend and I wrote time ago. It basically helps you run pieces..
What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers? and tag specific cleaners and the robustness of the library how often is it updated maintained fixed . If you like to unit..
A better Java JSON library? [closed] better Java JSON library closed Can anyone recommend a good Java JSON library better.. JSON library closed Can anyone recommend a good Java JSON library better than the one from http I've also found JSON.. share improve this question I notice that there is also a library called google gson . I haven't tried it yet. Here's how it describes..
Generating random numbers in a range with Java this is Min int Math.random Max Min 1 The Java Math library function Math.random generates a double value in the range 0..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] visualizations in Android There is a Google specific 2D library. Are there any packages built atop it that allows for the easy.. Just to summarize his solution involved using a JavaScript library flot built on top of jQuery. This library was then included.. a JavaScript library flot built on top of jQuery. This library was then included in an HTML page which was loaded into a custom..
Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0 ns javaee http xml ns javaee web facelettaglibrary_2_0.xsd version 2.0 That should basically be it. JSP 2.x to.. . In general it's sufficient to just upgrade the component library to a by themselves verified JSF 2.0 compatible version as per.. links with regard to migration of the specific component library RichFaces Migration Guide 3.3.x to 4.x migration IceFaces 2..
Calling awt Frame methods from subclass PApplet is the Applet class in Processing a rendering library. I have 3 classes here including the main public class Menu..
Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything Right click main project choose Properties Android in the Library section add your Android library project here. Check out official.. the actual Android library project as stated in the Library Project Development considerations . Hope this helps. share..
Face detection in java share improve this question Check out Jon's Java Imaging Library which has face detection built in. You may have a little bit..
Android FTP Library FTP Library I'm looking for a java library that works on the android that..
MathML and Java Devices Java Algebra System The Apache Commons Mathematics Library Calculator projects for Android scientific calculator for android..
Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance you like commons lang SerializationUtils Java Deep Cloning Library Dozer Kryo pro same as reflection more control over what will.. you can force implementing Serializable Java Deep Cloning Library using reflection in cases when the classes or the objects you..
Can't run JUnit 4 test case in Eclipse Android project select bootstrap entries click on advanced select Add Library Ok Chose JRE System Library Next finish You need to also add.. click on advanced select Add Library Ok Chose JRE System Library Next finish You need to also add the JUnit library so follow.. steps 5 to 11 and select the Junit instead of JRE System Library You can now run your project as Junit. share improve this..
Resize an image in Java - Any Open Source Library? an image in Java Any Open Source Library I need to resize PNG JPeg and Gif files. Are there good java..
What is the use of interface constants? Constants and can I see some in the Java Standard Library java interface constants share improve this question Putting..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? it is highly recommended that the JSP Standard Tag Library JSTL be used in your web application to help reduce the need..
Java and SQLite [closed] JVM SQLite JDBC Driver for Mysaifu JVM and SQLite JNI Library for Windows x86 and Linux i386 PowerPC . share improve this..
Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk [closed]
Can you find all classes in a package using reflection? when it comes to naming. Addendum The Reflections Library will allow you to look up classes in the current classpath...
free Java library for evaluating math expressions applications. Commons Math The Apache Commons Mathematics Library These are some of numerical libraries in Java . share improve..
Failed to load the JNI shared Library (JDK) to load the JNI shared Library JDK When I try opening Eclipse a pop up dialog states Failed..
Access restriction on class due to restriction on required library rt.jar? settings in the project properties. Remove the JRE System Library Add it back Select Add Library and select the JRE System Library... Remove the JRE System Library Add it back Select Add Library and select the JRE System Library. The default worked for me... Add it back Select Add Library and select the JRE System Library. The default worked for me. This works because you have multiple..
Java client certificates over HTTPS/SSL to a default java keystore which I found in System Library Frameworks JavaVM.framework Versions 1.6.0 Home lib security..