

java Programming Glossary: jrockit

Maximum Java heap size of a 32-bit JVM on a 64-bit OS


sure also IBM implementations. I do not know if e.g. JRockit or others have a large memory option with their 32 bit implementations...

How is reference to java object is implemented?


JDK7 there is support for compressed oops . I believe BEA JRockit has had this for some time. Moving to 64 bit systems requires..

Which real-time (RTSJ) JVM is most preferred?


never have the opportunity to use either of them. Oracle's JRockit seems to be a free real time Java implementation with predictable..

Why doesn't the Java SDK installer set JAVA_HOME?


default path set directly in the script or with 1.4.2 from JRockit JAVA_HOME set as it is the intended target on integration pre..

Differences between JVM implementations


for the Generic handling Where are the differences between JRockit IBM JVM SUN JVM Open JDK Blackdown Kaffe ..... Deals one of.. significant over the years. Once upon a time the IBM and JRockit JVM's had far superior performance to the reference Sun implementation... or integrate with diagnostics and monitoring tools. JRockit includes a set of tools for monitoring your JVM performance...

Java multi-threading & Safe Publication


Incidentally I've heard of real life programs running in JRockit suffering from this problem it's not purely theoretical. If..

JRockit JVM versus HotSpot JVM


JVM versus HotSpot JVM If anyone can give me brief information.. jvm jvm hotspot jrockit share improve this question JRockit was originally developed by Appeal and BEA Systems before being.. has communicated on a concrete plan and roadmap to have JRockit and the HotSpot JVM to converge to be a best of both worlds..