

java Programming Glossary: jps

How can I set the process-name for a Java-program?


use a command line tool that comes with the JDK called 'jps'. It's like nix ps but just java programs instead. jps v shows.. 'jps'. It's like nix ps but just java programs instead. jps v shows all the arguments you have passed to java. Also I have..

NameNode: java.net.BindException


and i see that all processes are running perfectly.So i do jps and i saw that jobtracker tasktracker namenode secondrynamenode..

Thread dump programmatically /JDI (Java Debugger Interface)


Did you consider the remote alternative I.e. VisualVM jps and jstack are also useful tools included in JDK 5 providing..

how to change the name of a Java application process?


you need a quick way of finding the correct jvm not using jps. For applications I suppose launch4j or another wrapper is the..

How to find a Java thread running on Linux with ps -axl?


linux multithreading share improve this question Use jps v for finding your java process. Sample Output 3825 RemoteMavenServer.. case on production and other non local environments then jps jstack should be run via sudo. Examples sudo jps v sudo jstack..