

java Programming Glossary: jsonelement

How to properly convert List of specific objects to Gson?


implements JsonSerializer Message @Override public JsonElement serialize Message message Type type JsonSerializationContext..

Retrieving images using Jquery and servlet produces HTTP Status 500 error


getInfo uname ImageFileInfo info new ImageFileInfo JsonElement imageObj gson.toJsonTree imageInfo boolean nonNullElemExist..

How do I use Google's Gson API to deserialize JSON properly?


The representation of the items public class JNode private JsonElement item1 private JsonElement item2 more item fields public JNode.. items public class JNode private JsonElement item1 private JsonElement item2 more item fields public JNode get set methods Now creating.. etc... commaseparated etc... commaseparated Only the JsonElement property should be replaced by String since it's invalid. share..

Deserializing an abstract class in Gson


NodeDeserializer .create You will be able to access the JsonElement representing the node in the deserializer's method convert that..

How to serialize a Map of a Map with GSON?


this public String toJSON final Gson gson new Gson final JsonElement jsonTree gson.toJsonTree General Map.class final JsonObject..

JSON parsing using Gson for java


this is the main idea. public String parse String jsonLine JsonElement jelement new JsonParser .parse jsonLine JsonObject jobject jelement.getAsJsonObject..

Polymorphism with gson [closed]


static final String INSTANCE INSTANCE @Override public JsonElement serialize IAnimal src Type typeOfSrc JsonSerializationContext.. .getCanonicalName retValue.addProperty CLASSNAME className JsonElement elem context.serialize src retValue.add INSTANCE elem return.. elem return retValue @Override public IAnimal deserialize JsonElement json Type typeOfT JsonDeserializationContext context throws..

GSON deserializing key-value to custom object


dd'T'HH mm ssz @Override public MyCustomClass deserialize JsonElement json Type typeOfT JsonDeserializationContext ctx throws JsonParseException.. JsonObject obj json.getAsJsonObject Entry String JsonElement entry obj.entrySet .iterator .next if entry null return null..

How do I write a custom JSON deserializer for Gson?


a custom deserializer @Override public User deserialize JsonElement json Type type JsonDeserializationContext context throws JsonParseException.. improve this question @Override public User deserialize JsonElement json Type type JsonDeserializationContext context throws JsonParseException..

Parsing JSON with GSON, object sometimes contains list sometimes contains object


JsonDeserializer Child @Override public Child deserialize JsonElement json Type typeOfT JsonDeserializationContext context throws..

GSON - Date format


Date ser new JsonSerializer Date @Override public JsonElement serialize Date src Type typeOfSrc JsonSerializationContext context.. JsonDeserializer Date @Override public Date deserialize JsonElement json Type typeOfT JsonDeserializationContext context throws..

How do I use a custom Serializer with Jackson?


implements JsonSerializer User @Override public JsonElement serialize User src java.lang.reflect.Type typeOfSrc JsonSerializationContext..

GSON throwing “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY”?


channelSearchEnum lcs new ArrayList channelSearchEnum for JsonElement obj Jarray channelSearchEnum cse gson.fromJson obj channelSearchEnum.class..