

java Programming Glossary: jpanels

Eclipse WindowBuilder, overlapping JPanels


WindowBuilder overlapping JPanels I'm attempting to overlap JPanel instances. Put a panel directly..

How to add JPanel by clicking JButton?


I'm trying to create a small GUI it has 2 JButtons and 2 JPanels with some drawing animation on each of them. By default it must..

Swing animation running extremely slow


have 10 cars to be simulated. The cars are represented by JPanels which I will elaborate on in a few moments. So consider the.. the cars. I'm trying to match the Car objects to the JPanels but I'm obviously doing a cra y job. I suspect that I'm doing..

Java: Difference between the setPreferredSize() and setSize() methods in components


between the two Which one should I use for JFrames and JPanels Thanks java swing jframe jpanel share improve this question..

Does adding a JLabel to a JPanel “hide” the JPanel?


to a JPanel &ldquo hide&rdquo the JPanel If I have a few JPanels in a GridLayout each one with a MouseAdapter and then create.. then create JLabels with text and add to each one of the JPanels. Note the JLabels have no listeners. If I render this and try.. register that as an event Basically I want the JPanels to register events and the JPanels to just display text on top..

Sending messages between two JPanel objects


a JPanel. Within that JPanel there are two separate JPanels. When the user clicks a button in the first JPanel a message..

Centering a JLabel on a JPanel


Java Swing: How can I implement a login screen before showing a JFrame?


Another option is to use one GUI JFrame but swap views JPanels in the main GUI via a CardLayout. This could work quite well..

Java graphics - Stages of a game


through Swing to create games To answer your question JPanels are just a surface to draw on like a chalkboard or a piece of..

How to change the background color for JPanels with Nimbus Look and Feel?


to change the background color for JPanels with Nimbus Look and Feel I want to use a different background.. I want to use a different background color for all my JPanels in an application. How can I do that when using Nimbus Look..

Adding JPanels from other classes to the cardLayout


JPanels from other classes to the cardLayout I've got 3 windows in.. the next button the next window will appear. How do I add JPanels containing different elements to one cardLayout This is the.. null This JPanel is the base for CardLayout for other JPanels. final JPanel contentPane new JPanel contentPane.setLayout new..

How can I stack/overlay jPanels in Java?


would be the best way of doing this I think that stacking JPanels is OK. But after I add new JLayeredPanels in Netbeans they don't..