java Programming Glossary: jpa
JSF Service Layer in MVC terms and the Service itself will call DAO's using JPA when necessary. Thanks in advance java mvc jsf service layer.. from Spring it has become superfluous . Note that EJB and JPA is not available in barebones servletcontainers such as Tomcat...
Java web development, what skills do I need? [closed] parts of the Java EE API if you ever want to go EJB or JPA then you'd like to pick another e.g. JBoss AS EAP or GlassFish.. web I know there is hibernate for an ORM. You can also use JPA part of Java EE. You can learn it at Java EE 5 tutorial part.. J2SE J2EE 1.4 Gavin King was hired by Oracle to do all the JPA works. Hibernate has also a JPA implementation the EntityManager..
What to learn for making Java web applications in Java EE 6? [closed] overstrained when I read catchwords like Java EE EJB JSF JPA Glassfish ... but I won't give up. Can anyone please tell me.. nice standard APIs for all your needs Servlet 3.0 JSF 2.0 JPA 2.0 EJB 3.1 lite Bean Validation 1.0 CDI etc because these APIs..
JPA CascadeType.ALL does not delete orphans CascadeType.ALL does not delete orphans I am having trouble.. orphans I am having trouble deleting orphan nodes using JPA with the following mapping @OneToMany cascade CascadeType.ALL.. Any pointers greatly appreciated. EDIT It seems JPA 2.0 will include support for this which I am very happy about...
Hibernate: different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session [duplicate]
How do I import the javax.servlet API in my Eclipse project? than just a servletcontainer they also supports JSF EJB JPA and all other Java EE fanciness. Once having installed both..
What components are MVC in JSF MVC framework? JSF code is the V M Business domain Service layer e.g. EJB JPA DAO V Your JSF code C FacesServlet In the smaller developer..
CSRF, XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF on the persistence API you're using raw JDBC modern JPA or good ol' Hibernate but all boils down that you should never.. use PreparedStatement to fill the parameter values and in JPA and Hibernate the Query object offers setters for this as well...
Dealing with “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space” error PermGen space It's a typical Hibernate JPA IceFaces JSF application running on Tomcat 6 and JDK 1.6. Apparently..
Making a OneToOne-relation lazy details everything is done in java code. java hibernate jpa share improve this question First of some clarifications..
similarity and difference between jpa and hibernate and difference between jpa and hibernate what is similarity and difference between jpa.. and hibernate what is similarity and difference between jpa and hibernate. java hibernate orm jpa share improve this.. difference between jpa and hibernate. java hibernate orm jpa share improve this question JPA Java Persistence API is..
Do I need <class> elements in persistence.xml? mechanism to scan for @Entity classes java hibernate orm jpa annotations share improve this question The persistence.xml..
I found JPA, or alike, don't encourage DAO pattern Indeed it depends case to case. java hibernate orm jpa dao share improve this question For simple applications..
In a bidirectional JPA OneToMany/ManyToOne association, what is meant by “the inverse side of the association”? we designate the Many side as the inverse java hibernate jpa share improve this question To understand this you must..
Map enum in JPA with fixed values? to use a specific converter RightEditor java spring orm jpa enums share improve this question JPA provides only two..
Hibernate JPA Sequence (non-Id) not part of a composite identifier I'm using hibernate as jpa provider and I have a table that has some columns that are generated.. can't it generate for a simple property java hibernate jpa sequence share improve this question Looking for answers..
Difference between FetchType LAZY and EAGER in Java persistence? and EAGER in Java persistence Thanks java hibernate orm jpa share improve this question Sometimes you have two entities..
JPA CascadeType.ALL does not delete orphans for this which I am very happy about. java hibernate orm jpa jpa 2.0 share improve this question If you are using it.. this which I am very happy about. java hibernate orm jpa jpa 2.0 share improve this question If you are using it with..
proper hibernate annotation for byte[] http 2008 06 13 jpa postgresql and bytea vs oid type java database hibernate postgresql..
How to configure JPA for testing in Maven without any need for local tweaking. java testing maven 2 jpa integration testing share improve this question The following..
Hibernate cannot simultaneously fetch multiple bags thanks to Bozho for the solution . java hibernate jpa share improve this question I think a newer version of hibernate..
The JPA hashCode() / equals() dilemma for some more discussions and or opinions. java hibernate jpa identity eclipselink share improve this question I always..
JPA/Hibernate store date in UTC time zone will be formatted as 9 30am PST. java hibernate datetime jpa timezone share improve this question To the best of my knowledge..
Hibernate Annotations - Which is better, field or property access? advantages and disadvantages of each java hibernate orm jpa annotations share improve this question I prefer accessors..
JPA Hibernate One-to-One relationship something wrong or is this a Hibernate bug java hibernate jpa share improve this question JPA doesn't allow the @Id annotation..