

java Programming Glossary: jpa's

JPA OneToMany not deleting child


for your time java jpa share improve this question JPA's behaviour is correct meaning as per the specification objects..

Why does JPA have a @Transient annotation?


to denote that a field is not to be serialized whereas JPA's @Transient annotation is used to indicate that a field is not..

How do you map a “Map” in hibernate using annotations?


maps a database column holding the map key while the JPA's annotation maps the property to be used as the map's key . @javax.persistence.OneToMany..

Hibernate Criteria API - adding a criterion: string should be in collection


any compliant implementation. Please annotate uuids with JPA's @ElementCollection annotation. Don't use Hibernate's @CollectionOfElements..

Unique constraint with JPA and Bean Validation


but that is not provided by the standard. If I would use JPA's @UniqueConstraint I wouldn't have a unique validation and error..

Abstract DAO pattern and Spring's “Proxy cannot be cast to …” problem!


T get Serializable id other CRUD operations And this is my JPA's implementation public abstract class AbstractDaoJpaImpl T implements.. any addon methods. class AbstractDaoJpaImpl defines JPA's implementation of AbstractDao class PersonDaoImpl extends AbstractDaoJpaImpl..

How to generate object @Entities from database?


object @Entities from database I want to generate JPA's @Entity s from database but I want it to be object oriented..

JPA eager fetch does not join


eager fetch does not join What exactly does JPA's fetch strategy control I can't detect any difference between..

How to persist a HashMap with hibernate


you could just leave off the annotations altogether JPA's rules on default mappings state that types which are Serializable..

Difference between JPA Entity and Hibernate Entity


and org.hibernate.annotations.Entity The javax package is JPA's entity annotation but why is there a hibernate entity annotation.. entity annotation and difference does it have with JPA's annotation Is it just an extension to allow more attributes..