java Programming Glossary: ivysettings.xml
How to override the location of Ivy's Cache? ivy share improve this question Something like this in ivysettings.xml ivysettings caches defaultCacheDir path to my cache dir ivysettings..
using IVY dependencies manager programmatically ivyTest ivy 2.2.0.jar org apache ivy core settings ivysettings.xml retrieving org.jtpc#movies checkUpToDate true confs default.. ant 'antlib org.apache.ivy.ant' ivy.settings file ivysettings.xml ivy.retrieve pattern lib conf artifact . ext toDir.. location of your local Maven repository you need to use an ivysettings.xml file. ivysettings settings defaultResolver 'nexus' resolvers..
Where do I put my credentials when using Ivy and a private company repository? m2compatible true but I have to put my credentials in a ivysettings.xml file. How are different developers supposed to store their credentials.. developers supposed to store their credentials Is the ivysettings.xml file not supposed to be commited in vcs I really don't want..
Convert ivy.xml to pom.xml to find files specified in ivy's publications section. ivysettings.xml This is where you configure the location of the repositories..