java Programming Glossary: ivspec
How to encrypt String in Java key new SecretKeySpec keyBytes DES IvParameterSpec ivSpec new IvParameterSpec ivBytes create the cipher with the algorithm.. would go like this cipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE key ivSpec byte encrypted new byte cipher.getOutputSize input.length int.. decryption like this cipher.init Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE key ivSpec byte decrypted new byte cipher.getOutputSize enc_len int dec_len..
AES gets different results in iOS and Java keySpec new SecretKeySpec keyBytes AES IvParameterSpec ivSpec new IvParameterSpec IV System.out.println ivSpec cipher.init.. ivSpec new IvParameterSpec IV System.out.println ivSpec cipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE keySpec ivSpec byte results.. ivSpec cipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE keySpec ivSpec byte results cipher.doFinal text.getBytes UTF 8 String result..
Why No such provider: BC? AES_KEY_128 AES private static final IvParameterSpec ivSpec new IvParameterSpec IV public void AesFileIo Security.addProvider.. PROVIDER cipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE secretKeySpec ivSpec byte encrypted cipher.doFinal theFile.getBytes ObjectOutputStream..