java Programming Glossary: ive
Scale the ImageIcon automatically to label size when the image pixels are used. Here is a custom method Ive been using to circumvent the issues created by getScaledInstance..
Java Double to String conversion without formatting Something I dont want. Other formatting functions Ive found checks the current locale and adds appropriate thousand..
how to sort a Collection<T>? to work out how I can sort the items contained within it. Ive tried a few things but I cant get any of them working. java..
setOpaque() in java Is there an easy way to do this that I might be missing Ive taken a new approach to this. Inside the JInternalFrame is a..
Java swing JComponent “size” images the Java Metal look doesn't fit with my UI at all . Ive implemented MouseListener on this new component and this is.. it so that it is only fired when I hover over the image Ive tried setting size and bounds and other attributes to no avail...
How do i align this text correctly? the line similar to this . Does anyone know how to do this Ive tried to use FontRenderContext and font metrics but i cant seem..
Putting a simple expression language into java me this that I can just plugin to my code EDIT I think Ive had some good replies but my knowledge is letting me down. Lets..
Calendar view for android api < 11 api 8 which I need... Is there any way to solve it PS Ive looked into some posts here and didn't find my solution. I'll..
Sms ContentObserver onChange() fires multiple times onChange is called twice with exactly the same parameters. Ive tried to check the time stamps but they are the same as is the..