java Programming Glossary: httppost.setheader
Secure HTTP Post in Android null Log.d Your App Name Here Setting httpPost headers httpPost.setHeader User Agent SET YOUR USER AGENT STRING HERE httpPost.setHeader.. User Agent SET YOUR USER AGENT STRING HERE httpPost.setHeader Accept text html application xml application xhtml xml text.. 0.9 text plain q 0.8 image png q 0.5 if contentType null httpPost.setHeader Content Type contentType else httpPost.setHeader Content Type..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters application json httpPost.setEntity entity httpPost.setHeader Content Type contentType httpPost.setHeader Accept contentType.. entity httpPost.setHeader Content Type contentType httpPost.setHeader Accept contentType catch UnsupportedEncodingException e Log.e..
Parsing JSON string in android new StringEntity holder.toString httpPost.setEntity se httpPost.setHeader Accept text json httpPost.setHeader Content type text json.. se httpPost.setHeader Accept text json httpPost.setHeader Content type text json HttpResponse response httpClient.execute..