java Programming Glossary: httpclient.execute
How to upload a file using Java HttpClient library working with PHP - strange problem request httppost.getRequestLine HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost HttpEntity resEntity response.getEntity System.out.println.. request httppost.getRequestLine HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost HttpEntity resEntity response.getEntity System.out.println..
Test MultipartFormData in Play 2.0 FakeRequest reqEntity HttpResponse response try response httpclient.execute httppost HttpEntity resEntity response.getEntity assertThat..
How can I make a multipart/form-data POST request using Java? comment httppost.setEntity reqEntity HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost HttpEntity resEntity response.getEntity This was done..
HttpGet with HTTPS : SSLPeerUnverifiedException HttpGet httpget new HttpGet loginUri HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httpget How do I suppress or remove this error java ssl https..
Android HttpPost: how to get the result Log.d myapp works till here. 2 try HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost Log.d myapp response response.getEntity catch ClientProtocolException..
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file new DefaultHttpClient HttpResponse response HttpResponse httpclient.execute httpRequest HttpEntity entity response.getEntity BufferedHttpEntity..
Http Basic Authentication in Java using HttpClient? httppost.getRequestLine HttpResponse response response httpclient.execute httppost HttpEntity entity response.getEntity System.out.println.. request httppost.getRequestLine HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost HttpEntity entity response.getEntity share improve..
Sending HTTP POST Request In Java UTF 8 Execute and get the response. HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost HttpEntity entity response.getEntity if entity null..
How do I manage cookies with HttpClient in Android and/or Java?
Httpclient 4, error 302. How to redirect? formparams UTF 8 HttpResponse response httpclient.execute postRequest context System.out.println response if response.getStatusLine..
Android Java UTF-8 HttpClient Problem json_array.php HttpResponse response try response httpclient.execute httpget if response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 200 Connection..
Android, Java: HTTP POST Request Execute HTTP Post Request HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost catch ClientProtocolException e TODO Auto generated..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost HttpEntity entity response.getEntity is entity.getContent..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android? https portal dt HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httpget HttpEntity entity response.getEntity System.out.println.. new UrlEncodedFormEntity nvps HTTP.UTF_8 response httpclient.execute httpost entity response.getEntity System.out.println Login form..
HTTPS connection with basic auth result into Unauthorized new HttpGet Execute request HttpResponse response httpclient.execute targetHost httpget HttpEntity entity response.getEntity System.out.println.. new HttpGet Execute request HttpResponse response httpclient.execute targetHost httpget localcontext HttpEntity entity response.getEntity..
Return data from AsyncTask class new UrlEncodedFormEntity pairs response httpclient.execute httpPost Examine the response status Log.i TAG response.getStatusLine..
HttpClient 4 - how to capture last redirect URL context new BasicHttpContext HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpget context if response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK..
Secure HTTP Post in Android tmp Log.d Your App Name Here url data try response httpClient.execute httpPost localContext if response null ret EntityUtils.toString.. sendGet String url httpGet new HttpGet url try response httpClient.execute httpGet catch Exception e Log.e Your App Name Here e.getMessage..
Apache HttpClient making multipart form post web site httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpPost HttpEntity result response.getEntity Hope this will..
Android session management httppost new HttpPost My url HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httppost List Cookie cookies httpClient.getCookieStore .getCookies.. HttpGet httpGet new HttpGet my url 2 HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpGet I get the login page response body. java android session..
HttpClient 4.0.1 - how to release connection? httpGet static method HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpGet httpClient instantiated in constructor int rc response.getStatusLine..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters e try HttpResponse httpResponse httpClient.execute httpPost HttpEntity httpEntity httpResponse.getEntity if httpEntity..
How to handle the session in HttpClient 4.1 httpGet new HttpGet my server login URL httpResponse httpClient.execute httpGet sessionID httpResponse.getFirstHeader Set Cookie .getValue.. Set Cookie .getValue httpGet.addHeader Cookie sessionID httpClient.execute httpGet Is there a better way to manage the session cookies.. cookieStore ... HttpResponse response1 httpClient.execute method1 httpContext ... HttpResponse response2 httpClient.execute..
How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java method new HttpGet new URI url HttpResponse response httpClient.execute method if response null String result getResponse response.getEntity.. execution waits a long time at line HttpResponse response httpClient.execute method Does anyone know how to set the timeout in order to avoid.. new DefaultHttpClient httpParameters HttpResponse response httpClient.execute httpGet If you want to set the Parameters of any existing HTTPClient..
HTTP POST using JSON in Java urlencoded request.setEntity params HttpResponse response httpClient.execute request handle response here... catch Exception ex handle exception..
How can i programmatically upload a file to a website? HttpGet httpGet new HttpGet url HttpResponse getResponse httpClient.execute httpGet httpContext Document document Jsoup.parse EntityUtils.toString..