java Programming Glossary: font.plain
could not set the column width to zero i.e. not made column invisible 30 table.setFont new Font SansSerif Font.BOLD Font.PLAIN 20 JScrollPane scrollPane new JScrollPane table for int i 0..
Program to create a PNG waveform for an audio file private Thread thread private Font font10 new Font serif Font.PLAIN 10 private Font font12 new Font serif Font.PLAIN 12 Color jfcBlue.. serif Font.PLAIN 10 private Font font12 new Font serif Font.PLAIN 12 Color jfcBlue new Color 000 000 255 Color pink new Color..
How to resize text in java Graphics2D g bi.createGraphics g.setFont new Font Serif Font.PLAIN f g.setRenderingHint RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING ..
Re-paint problem on translucent frame/panel/component Hola label.setFont new Font label.getFont .getFamily Font.PLAIN 46 label.setForeground Color.white frame.add label frame.pack.. int H 100 private static final Font font new Font Serif Font.PLAIN 48 private static final SimpleDateFormat df new SimpleDateFormat..
Java2D Graphics anti-aliased String label int messageWidth 0 Font font new Font Arial Font.PLAIN 11 BufferedImage bi new BufferedImage 10 10 BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB.. createNameOnButton String label Font font new Font Arial Font.PLAIN 64 FontRenderContext frc new FontRenderContext null true true..
Getting fonts, sizes, bold,…etc isSelected cellHasFocus Font font new Font String value Font.PLAIN 20 label.setFont font return label JavaDoc The JDoc for GraphicsEnvironment.getAvailableFontFamilyNames..
List of useful environment settings in Java String fontFamily Font font new Font fontFamily Font.PLAIN 24 JTextArea ta new JTextArea ta.setFont font ta.setText fontText..
Update JLabel every X seconds from ArrayList<List> - Java false _textField.setFont new Font sansserif Font.PLAIN 30 JPanel content new JPanel content.setLayout new FlowLayout..
JTable with titled rows and columns else component.setFont component.getFont .deriveFont Font.PLAIN return component table.getRowSorter .addRowSorterListener..
Stretch a JLabel text createImage String label Font font new Font Font.SERIF Font.PLAIN SIZE FontRenderContext frc new FontRenderContext null true true..
How do you import a font? Font.TRUETYPE_FONT fontUrl.openStream font font.deriveFont Font.PLAIN 20 GraphicsEnvironment ge GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment..
Passing current Date setForeground Color.lightGray setFont new Font Serif Font.PLAIN 6 setHorizontalAlignment CENTER return this private class..
Change Font at runtime .toString fontsBox.setFont new Font fontName Font.PLAIN 16 start fontsBox.setSelectedItem 0 fontsBox.getEditor .selectAll.. final Font fnt new Font fontsBox.getSelectedItem .toString Font.PLAIN 12 try LookAndFeel lnf UIManager.getLookAndFeel .getClass.. String fntObj setFont new Font fontFamilyName Font.PLAIN 16 return this . EDIT I posted narrative with Nimbus then..