

java Programming Glossary: fm.stringwidth

Incorrect behavior of JPanel#paintChildren(Graphics) when a JMenu is present?


Drawing a rectangle that won't disappear in next paint


g2d.setColor getForeground g2d.drawString text getWidth fm.stringWidth text getHeight fm.getHeight fm.getAscent public class MyRectangle..

JFrame isResizable(false) sizing issue


FontMetrics fm g.getFontMetrics int x getWidth fm.stringWidth text 2 int y getHeight fm.getHeight 2 fm.getAscent g.drawString..

how can you make a progress bar without using JProgressBar?


maxPercentString Integer.toString getMaximum 10 stringW fm.stringWidth maxPercentString stringH h fm.getHeight 2 fm.getAscent g2d.drawString.. g2d.drawString percent w stringW stringH else stringW fm.stringWidth DISABLED_PERCENT_STRING stringH h fm.getHeight 2 fm.getAscent..

Re-paint problem on translucent frame/panel/component


s df.format now FontMetrics fm g2d.getFontMetrics int w fm.stringWidth s int h fm.getHeight if time null timeG null time new BufferedImage..

Using Graphics2D to overlay text on a BufferedImage and return a BufferedImage


world FontMetrics fm g2d.getFontMetrics int x img.getWidth fm.stringWidth s 5 int y fm.getHeight g2d.drawString s x y g2d.dispose return..

Full-justification with a Java Graphics.drawString replacement?


word words Find out thw width of the word. int wordWidth fm.stringWidth word If text exceeds the width then move to next line. if curX..

JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared


g2d.setFont FONT FontMetrics fm g2d.getFontMetrics width fm.stringWidth digit.toString height fm.getAscent g2d.drawString digit.toString..

How to calculate the number of rows (and columns in each row) a text takes in a JTextArea?


wrap for int i 0 i text.length i char c text.charAt i if fm.stringWidth line c ta.getPreferredSize .width System.out.println in line.. for int i 0 i text.length i char c text.charAt i if fm.stringWidth line c ta.getPreferredSize .width System.out.println in line.. i 0 i text.length i char c text.charAt i if c ' n' if fm.stringWidth line c d.width line c else texts.add line line c texts.add..

How do i align this text correctly?


for int i 0 i vars.length i ... String s names 0 int w fm.stringWidth s int h fm.getHeight fm.getMaxDescent Point2D p arch.getStartPoint..

Highlights subString in the TableCell(s) which is using for JTable filetering


strToStart text.substring 0 start highlightx textR.x fm.stringWidth strToStart xOffset Get the width of the highlighted region.. highlightText text.substring start end highlightWidth fm.stringWidth highlightText highlightAreas.add new Rectangle highlightx 0..