java Programming Glossary: fmt
Places where JavaBeans are used? var user tr td td td c out value td td fmt formatDate value user.birthdate pattern yyyy MM dd td tr c forEach..
Database backed i18n for java web-app to something that would work with the jstl tags such as fmt setlocale fmt bundle fmt setBundle fmt message I think this.. that would work with the jstl tags such as fmt setlocale fmt bundle fmt setBundle fmt message I think this will involve extending.. work with the jstl tags such as fmt setlocale fmt bundle fmt setBundle fmt message I think this will involve extending ResourceBundle..
Parse any date in Java date Wed Mar 04 05 09 06 GMT 06 00 2009 DateTimeFormatter fmt ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime DateTime dt fmt.parseDateTime date.. fmt ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime DateTime dt fmt.parseDateTime date System.out.println date And creating your..
How to internationalize a Java web application? webapplication the basic approach would be using JSTL fmt taglib in combination with resource bundles . Resource bundles.. c uri http jsp jstl core @ taglib prefix fmt uri http jsp jstl fmt c set var language value.. core @ taglib prefix fmt uri http jsp jstl fmt c set var language value not empty param.language param.language..
Displaying Currency in Indian Numbering Format ## ##0.00 I tried this on JSTL by using the following tag fmt formatNumber value product.price type currency pattern # ##..
How to nicely format floating numbers to String without unnecessary decimal 0? with the minimum necessary precision public static String fmt double d if d int d return String.format d int d else return..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android tmpstr buffer.toString begin tmpstr.indexOf url_encoded_fmt_stream_map end tmpstr.indexOf begin 27 if end 1 end tmpstr.indexOf.. e throw new RuntimeException Vector url_encoded_fmt_stream_map new Vector begin 0 end tmpstr.indexOf while end.. begin 0 end tmpstr.indexOf while end 1 url_encoded_fmt_stream_map.addElement tmpstr.substring begin end begin end..