java Programming Glossary: explanation
Facebook offline access step-by-step something seemingly simple I am looking for a step by step explanation to get offline_access for a user for a facebook app and then..
Do you ever use the volatile keyword in Java? in Practice which I highly recommend gives a good explanation of volatile . This book is written by the same person who wrote..
Making a OneToOne-relation lazy anyway making proxy pointless. Here's a more detailed explanation. many to one associations and one to many obviously do not suffer..
Generic arrays in Java just one example of that. For a better and more complete explanation see the excellent Java Generics FAQ Can I create an array whose..
Instance variable initialization in java in the constructor s by the compiler a new A Check Sun's explanation and advice From this tutorial Field declarations however are..
Calling clojure from java to compile the source code. Could you help with a clear explanation of how to call Clojure from java assuming you have already build..
Any recommended Java profiling tutorial? [closed] how much you are asking what and why . Here's another explanation. Notice that the speed of taking such a snapshot doesn't matter..
Why can Java Collections not directly store Primitives types? of boxing. This is IMPORTANT to many programmers. A good explanation on SO already http questions 1040384 why do..
What is a serialVersionUID and why should I use it? for are probably about as good an explanation as you'll get The serialization runtime associates with each..
Design Patterns web based applications I personally recommend JSF 2.0 . In the below detailed explanation I'll restrict myself to request based MVC since that's easier..
What is the best library for Java to grid/cluster-enable your application? [closed] imho best suited to compute grids than data grids see this explanation of compute vs data grids . I find GigaSpaces to be a really..
Generate/get xpath from XML node java XML node java I'm interested in advice pseudocode code explanation rather than actual implementation . I'd like to go trough xml..
Virtual Memory Usage from Java under Linux, too much memory used 4K rwx lib x86_64 linux gnu libc ... A quick explanation of the format each row starts with the virtual memory address..
String equality vs equality of location in your output. See some more examples and a more detailed explanation . This of course brings up the very important topic of when..
Java: checked vs unchecked exception explanation checked vs unchecked exception explanation I have read multiple posts on StackOverFlow about checked vs..
Eclipse java debugging: source not found of dependency files. I'm new to eclipse java so an explanation of why this is happening how to resolve this would help a lot..
What are the rules for evaluation order in Java? b 1 a b b 0 In the text the author did not give a clear explanation and the effect of the last line is a 1 0 I am not so sure that..
Math.random() versus Random.nextInt(int) share improve this question Here is the detailed explanation of why Random.nextInt n is both more efficient and less biased..
Layering multiple GlassPane's in a Root Container javase tutorial uiswing components rootpane.html for an explanation on Root panes and what the Glass pane actually is. The glass..
I can't delete a file in java And now it's working. The problem is I don't have the explanation for this. I don't know BufferedReader and FileOutputStream to..
Arcane isPrime method in Java non prime numbers thus negation detects primality. Explanation The first half of the expression . says that the strings 0 and..
Inside OnClickListener I cannot access a lot of things - how to approach? MyActivity is the class name of your Activity subclass. Explanation You are creating an anonymous inner class when you use this..
using hit highlighter in lucene Basically after you have instantiated a searcher use Explanation expl searcher.explain query docId String asText expl.toString..
Explanation of HashMap#hash(int) method of HashMap#hash int method Can someone please explain to me..
Java conditional operator ?: result type see explanation below therefore un autobox arg3 Detailed Explanation Here's my understand from reading through the spec and working..
How to read or parse MHTML (.mht) files in java anyone who is trying to parse decompress .mht MHTML files Explanation Taken from a mht file From Saved by Windows Internet Explorer..
How does this regex find triangular numbers? group nested reference share improve this question Explanation Here's a schematic breakdown of the pattern from beginning ¦to..
Regexp Java for password validation this question Try this ^ . 0 9 . a z . A Z . @# ^ S . 8 Explanation ^ # start of string . 0 9 # a digit must occur at least once..
Using bash, how do you make a classpath out of all files in a directory files. java cp LIB Notice that the is inside the quotes. Explanation from man java As a special convenience a class path element.. shell built ins. CLASSPATH JARS LIB .jar IFS echo JARS Explanation JARS is set to an array of file names. IFS is changed to . The..
Generate/get xpath from XML node java elemX '89734' root elemX @serial 'kefw90234kf2esda9231' Explanation Only elements that have no children elements or have attributes..
Calling System.gc( ) explicitly? situations why this method is not deprecated from Java PS Explanation with an example will be useful java garbage collection daemon..
Whats the advantage of load() vs get() in Hibernate? Hibernate java hibernate share improve this question Explanation of semantics of these methods doesn't explain the practical..
Integer wrapper class and == operator - where is behavior specified? return IntegerCache.cache i 128 else return new Integer i Explanation Integer integer1 127 is a shortcut for Integer integer1 Integer.valueOf..
How to generate a regular expression at runtime to match a numeric range regexp NumericRangeRegexGenerator.rangeRegex 123 321 Explanation A brief explanation of the code follows. Ranges on the shape..
comparing float/double values using == operator compare floating point values using the equals operator Explanation Comparing floating point values by using either the equality..
Comparing two identical strings with == returns false [duplicate] Maaz or this realname.equalsIgnoreCase Maaz Explanation In Java and many other Object Oriented programming languages..
Facial Recognition in Java/Processing A Java Implementation of Face Recognition with Eigenfaces Explanation and Refactoring of the above library Article Face Recognition..