java Programming Glossary: exp
The most efficient way to implement an integer based power function pow(int, int) Exponentiation by squaring. int ipow int base int exp int result 1 while exp if exp 1 result base exp 1 base base.. by squaring. int ipow int base int exp int result 1 while exp if exp 1 result base exp 1 base base return result This is.. int ipow int base int exp int result 1 while exp if exp 1 result base exp 1 base base return result This is the standard..
Rotate Image around character (JAVA) sword new File Sword.png catch IOException exp exp.printStackTrace Timer timer new Timer 100 new ActionListener.. new File Sword.png catch IOException exp exp.printStackTrace Timer timer new Timer 100 new ActionListener..
Java Bouncing Ball .getHeight setLocation x y catch InterruptedException exp exp.printStackTrace catch InvocationTargetException exp exp.printStackTrace.. setLocation x y catch InterruptedException exp exp.printStackTrace catch InvocationTargetException exp exp.printStackTrace.. exp exp.printStackTrace catch InvocationTargetException exp exp.printStackTrace while isVisible try Thread.sleep delay..
Highlight a word in JEditorPane new File Test.html .toURI .toURL catch Exception exp exp.printStackTrace JFrame frame new JFrame frame.setDefaultCloseOperation.. new File Test.html .toURI .toURL catch Exception exp exp.printStackTrace JFrame frame new JFrame frame.setDefaultCloseOperation..
Text wrap in JOptionPane? message in my swing application try ... catch Exception exp JOptionPane.showMessageDialog this exp.getMessage Error JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE.. ... catch Exception exp JOptionPane.showMessageDialog this exp.getMessage Error JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE The width of the.. this html body p style 'width 200px ' exp.getMessage body html Error JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE share..
I'm not getting any output and probably the machine hangs with the code [duplicate]
add thumnails to spring layout like a grid? new ImagePane file imagesPane.add pane catch Exception exp exp.printStackTrace imagesPane.revalidate imagesPane.repaint.. ImagePane file imagesPane.add pane catch Exception exp exp.printStackTrace imagesPane.revalidate imagesPane.repaint..
Java Applet Game 2D Window Scrolling 2 map.getHeight 2 Virtual Point... catch IOException exp exp.printStackTrace InputMap im getInputMap WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW.. 2 map.getHeight 2 Virtual Point... catch IOException exp exp.printStackTrace InputMap im getInputMap WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW..
How to convert byte size into human readable format in java? si int unit si 1000 1024 if bytes unit return bytes B int exp int Math.log bytes Math.log unit String pre si kMGTPE KMGTPE.. bytes Math.log unit String pre si kMGTPE KMGTPE .charAt exp 1 si i return String.format .1f sB bytes Math.pow unit exp pre.. exp 1 si i return String.format .1f sB bytes Math.pow unit exp pre Example output SI BINARY 0 0 B 0 B 27 27 B 27 B 999..
Logarithm of a BigDecimal are within the tolerance . do e^x BigDecimal eToX exp x sp1 e^x n e^x term eToX.subtract n .divide eToX sp1 BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN..
Updating ImageIcon in JTree without repainting the Tree? JTree tree Object value boolean sel boolean exp boolean leaf int row boolean hasFocus super.getTreeCellRendererComponent.. hasFocus super.getTreeCellRendererComponent tree value sel exp leaf row hasFocus YourMutableTreeNode node YourMutableTreeNode..
How does JTree display file name? by the user . This is very much like Eclipses Package Explorer as the workspace is determined by the user. Currently files.. @version Id v 1.9 2004 02 23 03 39 22 ian Exp @author Ian Darwin Construct a FileTree public pnl_fileView..
ANTLR: From CommonTree to useful object graph article the author does something similar to this public Expression createExpr CommonTree ast ... switch ast.getType case.. does something similar to this public Expression createExpr CommonTree ast ... switch ast.getType case SimpleExpressionParser.INT.. CommonTree ast ... switch ast.getType case SimpleExpressionParser.INT return new IntegerLiteral ast.getText case..
Implementation of X-modem protocol in Java Id v 1.8 2000 03 02 03 40 50 ian Exp class TModem protected final byte CPMEOF 26 control z protected..
How a AST for an object oriented programming language would look like? from your grammar definition but has for transformed Exp Ident BinOp Ident into x y x y All in all I think..